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Kook P.O.V

I woke up already in a bad mood. I didn't get to talk to Tae last night, what's worse is that he won't even let me talk to him! Every time I say something, he always hears it. I hate it so fucking much. I never meant what I said to Jimin either. I don't know what's wrong with me anymore.

I shot out of bed, still shirtless, with my sweatpants on and marched to Tae's room.

I need to make this right. I can make it right.

(Hehehhee, ya'll saw what I did there? lol)

I knocked on his door until he came up and opened it. He had a long sleeved shirt on with some sweatpants on also. He had his messy bed hair and his eyes were barely open.

"Whattt?", Tae said sleepily.

"We need to talk."

Before he could respond, I pushed him back into the room and closed the door behind us.

He looked at me annoyed and rubbed his eyes.


"Jungkook, it's too early for this.", he yawned.

I miss when you would just call me Kook. Why won't you call me Kook anymore?

"You know.", I said simply, getting to the point.


"You know what I said. You heard my little talk with Jimin."

He looked down, "Oh. Yeah."

"You know-"

"Save the pep talk. I told you, I'm done. You've got me to forgive you other times, but not this time. We can be friends though. I'm ready to move on and put all of this behind us."

I didn't expect this.

"No! Tae, please-"

"Jungkook. Please? I'm tired of dealing with this. Aren't you? I just want to get through high school and focus on my credits. Move on, Jeon. I've done it. You should do it too. I'm sorry."

I can't believe what I'm hearing. And he's sounding like he doesn't even care.

"So you don't care? You don't care about us?", I yelled and pointed at my chest.

"There was never an us! You made that happen! All you! So, don't come putting the blame on me!"

I stood there, staring at him. He had bags under his eyes and it looked like he was about to start crying, but I ignored it.

I ran my hand through my fingers and exhaled slowly, "Ok. Ok. I hope you'll be happier Taehyung. I hope you'll find someone who keeps you happy. I'll go now."


"It's ok. You're right. I just....I just thought you changed me. I thought that you made me feel like this. But I guess you didn't feel the same way. Anyway, it's done, right? I'm going downstairs."

I left and slammed the door. I didn't want things to end like this. But, if Tae wants this, then I guess, this Is right.

I know I'm going to be such a bitch after this, but hey. Who cares?

I sighed and sat down on the couch, watching Meteor Garden.

Tae P.O.V

I watched as Jungkook slammed the door and left. I watched how his expression changed. I watched all of this.

The tears that I've been holding in fell down like a river. I went to the door and rested my hand on it.

I turned around, sunk, and put my head in my legs, and cried.

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