Moving Out

440 13 4

3rd Person P.O.V

Tae left Jungkook sleeping peacefully in his bed and walked to Jimin's room.

He was packing.

"Wait, you're leaving?", Tae closed the door after him.

Jimin, startled, looked at Tae, "Yeah. My job is done here, I guess. I found an apartment, thanks to Jin. Plus, I want to be ready for college. With a positive mind set. You know?"

Tae saw that he had tears in his eyes, so he walked up to him and hugged him.

"Is it about Yoongi?", Tae pulled away and held the side of his shoulders.

Jimin nodded, "I just.. It's like, when I look around the house, it reminds me of all the bad things we went through. I thought I could make him happy. But, I failed. I just made things even worse for him. But, being in this house, will just make me miss him. I just need to go."

Tae listened to his words, "I'm so sorry things didn't work out the way it was supposed to. And you didn't fail, Chim. You did make him feel happy. And I know Yoongi still loves you, even if he doesn't want to admit it. I am always here for you. And I will wish you luck with your career. Don't turn into a snob and forget about me, either. Also, you came so far. We were damaged, Chim. But we found a loving home and family. We did it. We made it."

Jimin smiled and looked around his room.

"Don't make me cry. I don't want to cry today. Show me your apartment."

He grabbed his laptop, and Tae joined him onto the bed.

"That's pretty. Nice neighborhood, too. But, why don't you live on campus?"

"Well, that's more money. Rent is cheaper than the shit over there. You know Jin is getting richer because of his mom. I don't want to take his money, but he has separate cards for every single one of us. He gave me mine and helped me pick out an apartment. I don't think I like the idea of living on campus, anyway. Stuff could happen. I just want to come home, and not deal with anyone's bull."

Tae understood but then stood up, shocked, "Wait, he has cards for all of us?!"

"Didn't I just say that? But, yeah. You'll get it when you leave."

"I don't wanna leave though."

"Jungkook is going to leave soon. He's going to be CEO, remember? Of his mom's old company? And don't you want to run some bakery or café? How are you both going to do that?"

"We're buying a house, to live in together. We're both going to be doing our jobs, but we're not splitting apart."

"I'm happy for you, TaeTae."

"Thanks, Chim."

A comfortable silence went by, then Tae spoke.

"I'm gonna go see Kookie."


"Oh, wait! Are you leaving tonight?"


Tae pouted and left the room, not noticing Jimin pull out his phone and look at 3 certain pictures he loved.

Tae pouted and left the room, not noticing Jimin pull out his phone and look at 3 certain pictures he loved

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