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And Bogum, sadly, never woke up.4

3rd person P.O.V

They boys were all at home eating dinner. Since Jin didn't feel like cooking, he ordered pizza for all of them instead.

"So, hyung, what do you mean you and Chim are going to take care of Lisa?", Jungkook asked.

"Um, it means that we'll take care of her. The fuck?", Jimin said.

"Are ya'll going to kill her?", Tae yelled.

"Oh my gosh, no! Stupid!", Jin said and reached across the table to him Tae with his hand.

"Also, who the fuck eats pizza with chopsticks?", Namjoon asked, eyeing Tae.

Everyone looked up to look at Tae.

"My baby does. Duh. He can eat however he wants.", Jungkook said and put his arm on Tae's shoulders.

Tae beamed with his smile and rested his head on Jungkook.

They continued to laugh and talk until Tae's phone started blowing up.

"What the fuck dude? Why is your phone ringing so much?", Yoongi asked.

Tae shrugged and picked up his phone.

He widened his eyes and stared at all of the messages he got from all of his friends. Well, probably not friends anymore.

You bitch.

It's all your fault.

I never liked you in the first place.

You're ugly.

Jungkook doesn't even like you.

Jungkook should be with Lisa, not you.

Ugly faggot.

Bogum killed himself because of you. You should kill yourself too.

Go die in a hole.

No one likes you.

I hope you feel horrible.

It's going to be hell at school for u now.

And that wasn't even the worst ones.

Tae started shaking and dropped his phone, causing everyone to look at him weirdly.

"N-no! No no no!", Tae yelled and sunk down on the floor.

"Hey, hey! Babe, what's the matter?", Jungkook ran to Tae and put his hand on Tae' shoulder trying to calm him down.

Tae shook his head, with tears streaming down his face, and continued to rock himself with his knees up to his chest.

The rest of the boys ran over to Tae, trying to se if he is ok.

Jungkook picked up Tae's phone and gasped.

"Bogum.....he.....", Jungkook couldn't even finish. He was mad at all of the people who were texting Tae, but he was upset too. he had to admit, he didn't like the boy. But, he never wanted him to kill himself.

"He killed himself.", Jimin finished and looked at his phone.

"How do you know?", Tae whispered. Barely audible, but we all heard it.

"It's all over the school website and the news.", Hobi said and showed his phone to Jungkook and Tae.

Tae put his head down and continued to cry.

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