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But little did they know, Tae was standing right outside the door, with tears streaming down his face.

Tae P.O.V

I was crying, listening to Kook's words. Yoongi was right. I shouldn't have gotten attached.

I thought everything was going good Kook. I thought you actually started to like me. I'm so stupid.

I heard footsteps coming closer so I hurried up and ran in the car.

"Where's Chim?", Yoongi asked me.

I shrugged and stared out the window.

Fine Jeon Jungkook. You're not going to be using me anymore. Go find another girl to confuse since you're straight. I am done with you. I'm done with us.

Kook P.O.V

After being scolded by Jimin, we walked out of the room.

Jimin was mad at me and I don't blame him. I know I'm going to eventually hurt Tae in the end, but it doesn't hurt to have some fun. Right?



"Don't. God, I should've known. You'll always be a fucking dick who doesn't know his own fucking feelings.". Jimin continued walking and sped up.

I sighed and we got to the car. Yoongi was driving, and Jimin called shotgun. Me and Tae are sitting in the back. Tae didn't even acknowledge our presence and was scooting as far away from me as he can.

What the fuck?

I shrugged and fell asleep, frustrated at everyone.


We made it to the mall and I could tell Tae's mood lit up once he was that Gucci label.

Whenever he smiles, I smile. I don't know why.

Yoonmin were holding hands and I mentally gagged.

"Ok, so, me and Tae are going to go shopping in Gucci and some other stores, and we'll meet you guys at the food court.", Jimin said and stood next to Tae.

"But-", I started to say. I wanted to go with Tae, but it seemed like he didn't wanted to go with me.

"Ok?", Jimin raised his voice and cut me off, glaring at me.

"Ok. Come on Chim.", Tae pulled Jimin and they headed off into Gucci.

Yoongi looked at me suspiciously but I motioned him to follow me, into the food court.

We sat down at one of the tables, waiting till Tae and Jimin got here, so we could eat. Yoongi was sitting across from me, leaving a space for Jimin to sit next to him. And leaving a space for Tae to sit next to me.

"So what happened?", Yoongi asked me.

"What do you mean?"

"Tae is tensed near you. Jimin seems like he's mad at you. I ain't dumb, Kook. Spill."

I am grateful for Yoongi. He's like a brother to me, and I could tell him anything.

I told him what happened with Jimin.

"Damn, Kook. That coconut head needs a brain.", Yoongi shook his head and started snickering.

"Whatever. But I don't know what happened with Tae. Like he was fine when Jimin told him to get out of the room, and when I went to the car, he was mad at me."

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