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3rd person P.O.V

Jimin's heart fell into many pieces once he heard Yoongi say that.

Jimin pushed Yoongi off of him and ran back to the cafeteria, wiping his tears.

Yoongi looked back to the spot where Jimin was and went go punch the locker.

Damn it Yoongi.

Tae saw Jimin run back in the cafeteria. He knew Jimin had been crying because of his puffy eyes.

Jungkook was sitting down glaring at Taemin, who was on the bench across from him.

Taemin's lip was busted and he has a black eye. Jungkook had a cut on his chin, but that was about it.

"Chim! Are you-"

"I'm fine. Don't ask.", he said, trying to smile, but he was hurting too much.

"Tae, I need to talk to you. In private.", Jimin said.

Tae nodded and went go kneel down in front of Jungkook to talk to him.

"Hey, don't cause any more trouble. Jin hyung will watch you. I'll be back Kookie.", Tae kissed Jungkook's cheek and left with Jimin to go talk to him on the other side of the cafeteria.

Since they were seniors, they could skip some classes. And no one else was in the cafeteria but the Bangtan boys.

"Tae, did he hurt you?"

"What?", Tae asked, trying to avoid the question.

"Did Taemin hurt you?"

Tae looked to the side and sighed.


"No, tell me. I need to know if he is a bad guy. I need to know if he hurt my best friend."

"It wasn't just him. It was Jackson too....they beat me....they...they raped me."

Tae broke down and Jimin pulled him into a hug.

"I'm so sorry, Tae. I'm going to fucking kill them."

Jimin knew that Jungkook was going to kill them. If he found out that they fucked Tae, oh he wouldn't have mercy and no one would be able to hold him back.

"I'm so stupid Tae. Fuck, I'm so sorry.", Jimin started crying.

Tae pulled away and wiped away Jimin's tears.

"It's ok Jimin. Don't cry. Taemin was just using you to brag about. He doesn't love you like Yoongi does."

Jimin shook his head and said, "Yoongi doesn't love me."

"What do you mean? He-"

"Well, he told me he didn't love me. I don't blame him."

"Aw Chim."

Jimin shrugged and posed, "Ima bad bitch. I'll get over it."

But the truth was, Jimin was never going to get over it.


Everyone was home and it was Friday.

The boys were all in the living room.

Some of them either cuddling, on their phones, or eating.

Taekook were taking pics together to create a selca on their snapchat story.

Namjin was cuddling and watching a movie.

Yoongi was eating some snacks.

Jimin was sitting on the floor, on his phone.

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