Chapter 3

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To say I was having fun was an understatement. The food was delicious, and I'd even sipped a lil more. I was actually a lil tipsy. CeCe's crazy ass had even hyped me into dancing with her. I can't remember the last time I'd actually enjoyed myself.

When the DJ slowed things down, CeCe was hugged up with her baby daddy slow grinding. I made my way to my seat; this one was for couples.
"You know you gotta let me have this dance since it's my day," Jaison said from behind me.
I turned around, and couldn't resist. I don't know if it was the liquor or what, but I was suddenly so attracted to Jaison. I reached out my hand to him and let him lead me. We first started swaying side to side while I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed my body close to his. The nigga smelled and looked so good. His cologne had me just as intoxicated as the liquor.
"Ma, your body feels so good against mine," he said looking me in my eyes. I didn't know what to say, so I just pressed my body closer to his. The song was halfway through when he turned me around so that my back was to him. As we grinded, I could feel his hard dick on my ass. For some reason, I wanted him inside me bad.

Just as the song came to an end, Jaison's phone rang and just like that the moment was over. "Yoo!!!" he answered. "You for real?!"
For some reason, he was cheesing hard as fuck.
I made my way back to my seat.
"Aye somebody turn on the radio!" he hollered.
Just as I was about to sit down, I heard it.
"Aye this is my song y'all!" Jaison shouted excitedly.
"Aww shit!" CeCe ran over. "You're on the radio bestie!! You sound so good!"
I was so happy. I'm sure I was showing all my 32s. Everybody seemed to be feeling our song. Every head was bobbing.
"That's my best friend, Victorie!!" CeCe shouted. "This is her y'all!"
When the song ended, I got a lot of "Damn shorty, you can blow!" and "That shit is definitely a banger!"
Jaison was the last to approach me.
" I told you baby girl! We got us a banger!" he said. "You gonna have to let a nigga take yo pretty ass out to celebrate."
I swear there was something different in his eyes this time. "Yeah we most definitely have to celebrate," I smiled.

I enjoyed the rest of the party as the DJ played the latest hits even though CeCe left me alone while she chased after the next iced out thug. I swear she was always after the next come up. Looking for any nigga that she thought could take care of her. She always ended up empty handed and on somebody's list of stupid chicks that let em hit. I could only shake my head. As the party ended, CeCe approached me.
"Girl, I'm bout to head out with this dude Gunz," she said. "The nigga fine and he got money." She grinned like she'd hit the jackpot.
"Well bitch, I'm supposed to just walk home by myself huh?" I asked. I was actually kinda heated.
"Be cool!" she said. "Jaison is gonna take you home. And don't think I didn't see how y'all was dry humping. Nasty asses!!"
I couldn't help but laugh. "Whatever girl."
"Well I'm about to go," CeCe said. "If this nigga breaks me off a lil change, I'll throw you something tomorrow."
I just shook my head. I found it ironic that the DJ was now playing YG, Snoop, and Nipsey Hussle's song. Bitches ain't shit, but hoes and tricks.
"I'mma bring you home soon as I clear everybody out," Jaison said to me. "This is the last song."
"Ok," I said.

15 minutes later, we were leaving out.
We didn't say much on the ride home. I guess we were both lost in our thoughts. I really didn't want the night to end, but soon we pulled up to my house. Instead of just dropping me off and pulling away, Jaison parked his car.
"So did you have good time today?" he asked me.
"Yes, I definitely needed that to be honest," I said. "And to hear us on the radio was the icing on the cake."
"I know right," Jaison said. "But that wasn't the best part of my day."
"It wasn't?" I asked. I know I was probably looking at him crazy because I was so confused.
"Nope, but dancing with you was," he stated.
"What?" I was definitely shocked.
"Yeah," he smiled. " You're a gem, and you don't even know it. You're smart, you're talented, you're beautiful, you're not like these other girls out here, and I could go on and on..."
"Jaison as handsome as you are and as hot as you are out here, I'm sure you got plenty of bitches to choose from," I side eyed him. I felt like he might be trying to run game on me.
"Don't look at me like that Torie," he said. "I don't give a fuck about all these other thots out here. It's like messing with the same girl after a while, the same ole shit. It gets old real quick. I'm tired of it to be honest."
"Well if that's the case, then at least you know what you don't want," I told him. This was getting awkward. I went to open the door, but he stopped me.
"I know exactly what I want, exactly what I need," Jaison said. His eyes were now low. He then pulled me to him and kissed my lips.
"I want you, Victorie," he whispered against my lips. "Been wanting you for a long ass time." He then slipped his tongue inside my mouth. We kissed inside his black Audi like our lives depended on it, and I swear he tasted so good. My panties were soaked, and I wanted to take it there with him. My phone alerting me of a text suddenly threw ice water on our lil fire. It was my mom asking me where I was at.
"I gotta go Jaison," I said sadly. "Thank you for the ride."
"No problem," he smiled. "Have a good night sweetheart."
"You too Jaison," I smiled. "Be safe."
I don't think I even walked up my steps; I floated.

"I thought you said you wasn't going to be long Vickie," my mom said when I walked through the door.
"I'm sorry; I lost track of time," I said.
"Well I see you had a good time because you're smiling and happier than a monkey with a banana," she smiled at me.
"Yeah ma, I did have fun," I said excitedly. "They played me and Jaison's song on the radio today."
"Really?" she squealed. "I'm so happy for you baby. That called for a celebration, so I'll let you slide with putting Zuri off on me for longer than expected. Plus Joy helped with her."
"Thank you," I laughed. "I love you ma."
" I love you too," she said. "And the baby went to sleep in Joy's room, so just leave her there. I can't risk waking her. That lil child is bad."
"Ok," I laughed. "I appreciate you guys more than you know."
"Yeah, well you can definitely show us when that big voice of yours makes your financial status match our last name," she said and winked.
"Well ok then Miss Victoria Rich," I laughed. I then headed to get my pajamas and take a hot bath.

As I stood in front of the bathroom mirror, I couldn't help but smile. My lip gloss was long gone, and my lips were a little red. I quickly grabbed the Vaseline out of the medicine cabinet to soothe them. As I touch my lips, I remembered the feel of Jaison's lips on mine, the way he tasted, the way he smoothly moved my locs out of my face right before he kissed me. I was definitely feeling him, but I didn't want to get caught up. I lit some candles, turned the water off and sank down into the tub. My phone on the toilet buzzed alerting me of a text. It was Jaison.
Him: I can't get you out of my mind ma. I'm really feeling you. I meant everything that I said to you tonight. Can I have you ma?
Me: Have me how Jaison? I'm not trying to just be another notch on your belt.
Him: Come on now Victorie. I would never do you like that. I'm talking about really being together. Let me take you out. Give us a shot.
Me: idk. I'm too busy to be going out. I have work and stuff. I don't have time to play games with you
Him: ok now you just making up bullshit excuses. I know that store closes at 8, so you're not busy all night. I know you have a daughter, but I'll pay for a babysitter. Plus I got you on the radio, so you owe a nigga. Let me take you and pick you up from work, and take you to eat. You better not say no either girl
Me: ok Jaison dang I'll see you tomorrow and your big head ass better be on time to pick me up. 8 o'clock sharp. I'm not playing!!
Him: ok gotcha. Gn baby 😘😘
I sighed as I put my phone down. Looks like I have a date tomorrow.
Girl you need to get yourself together. See how fast he got you to go out with him. He could probably game you out of your draws just as fast. Stay on your toes bitch!!

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