Chapter 17

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Twenty minutes later, we were leaving out the hotel. "Zayn and Ari resting, so it's just me and your crazy ass today," Jaison said.
"Cool," I said. "So where we going?"
"To the zoo," he answered. "Where yo kin people at."
I punched him in the arm.
"I ain't never been to the zoo," I said.
"I figured that," he said. "But me either. I figured we'd do something new." He put the address in the GPS system, and we were off to the zoo.

"There go yo Auntie," he said pointing to a chimp.
"Nah nigga that's yo ex," I laughed.
"Well I most definitely got a type then because y'all look alike," he said and we both laughed. I must admit we were having a blast. We saw animals we'd only been able to see on TV.
"They throwing down huh?" he pointed at two giraffes that were fighting. "This kinda like the hood huh?"
I just laughed. We then went over to the lions den. They were huge. Some were growling. "I'm kinda scared," I said grabbing Jaison's arm.
"Girl they behind a thick wall," he said. "Ole scary ass."
Just then one of the lions charged at a baby standing close to the glass.
"Oh hell no!" he said. "Time to get the fuck outta here." By that time, I'd already took off running.
"I thought you loved me," Jaison said when we were back in the car. "You just gone run off and leave me like that."
"I was scared," I said. "Where to next?"
"We going to the Desert Botanical Garden," he said. "We gone be one with nature."

At the botanical garden, we saw all kinds of flowers and cactuses. We stopped to take pics and to pick up a couple of souvenirs. "It's hot as hell out here," I said sipping some bottled water.
"It's supposed to be in the hundreds " Jaison said. "I think you a lil funky too."
"I am not," I said putting my hand up to try to shield my face from the sun.
"Put this on," he said handing me his hat. "Let's go eat and head back to the hotel." We left and had a late lunch at a barbeque joint.

I went straight to the bed as soon as we opened the door. "You good?" Jaison asked laying down beside me.
"Yeah just enjoying this cold air," I said. He rolled over on top of me.
"I had fun with you today," he said kissing me. "You know I'm in love with your crazy ass right."
Instead of responding, I pushed him off me, grabbed my bag, and headed to the tub. He let out a frustrated sigh. I bathed and then soaked in the tub just thinking. Why couldn't I just admit what I was feeling? I was so stupid, and I'd probably fucked up the rest of the trip. "You almost done?" Jaison asked. "You been in there for over an hour. I gotta piss and take a shower."
"Yeah I'm bout to come out," I answered draining the water. I quickly dried off & put my clothes on so that he could come in.
"Bout damn time," he said when I came out.
I sat on the bed watching TV while he showered.

10 minutes later the bathroom door opened. "Excuse me," Jaison said walking in front of the TV. He was naked, dick just swinging. "Close your mouth before something flies in it."
"Where are your clothes?" I finally asked.
"I forgot to grab my boxers," he said.
"There are towels in there," I said.
"I had already hung them back up," he said. "Besides I ain't think you'd care. You don't want none of this anyway."
I set there wet and looking stupid.
"We going out with Zayn and Ari," he called out from the bathroom. "Find you something to put on."
"Y'all go ahead," I said. "I don't feel good.
"Fine," he said. "Stay here and be in a bad ass mood by yourself."
Inside of responding, I just turned the TV off and pulled the covers over my head until he left.

I turned the TV on, and there was knock on the door. "Open up! It's me bitch!" Ari said.
"I thought you was going out," I said.
"I thought you was too," Ari said. "What's the matter? Jaison said you was tripping."
"He told me he's in love with me," I revealed to her.
"Ain't that a good thing?" Ari asked.
"I don't know," I told her. "Instead of responding, I just went into the bathroom."
"Victorie you know you love him," she said.
"I do," I said. "But the last time I opened up to a man, I was used, lied to, and left alone with a baby."
"Well Jaison is not your dumbass baby daddy," Ari let me know. "That nigga still got a hold on you if his actions affect the way you feel and deal with the next man. You gone carry the hurt from that situation around forever?"
"You're right," I said.
"Well when he comes back tonight make it right," she said.
"Girl he had the audacity to walk around in front of me naked," I shared with her.
"He just wanted to get under your skin," she laughed. "That was a get back move. Now let's go across the street and get a pizza. We can bring it back to the room. I'm hungry."
We ended up stuffing our faces and having girl talk most of the night.

I have no idea when I feel asleep, but I awoke to Jaison snoring loudly on side of me. I nudged him to wake him. "You snoring too loud," I said.
"My bad," he said turning over to kiss me and wrapping his arms around me. I drifted off to sleep again.

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