Chapter 16

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It was now the day that we would be leaving. I had to be ready at five because it was a six hour drive, and Jaison wanted us to stop for breakfast and be there around noon. I was tired because I could barely sleep from excitement. "Ma go back to bed," I said when she walked into the living room.
"Shut up stupid and give me a kiss," she said. "Have a fun and safe trip."
"Thanks ma," I said embracing her and kissing her on the cheek. My phone buzzed. "That's Jaison. I gotta go. I love you."

As I got in Jaison's car, I noticed Ari and some other guy in the backseat.
"Hey girl!!" Ari squealed.
"Hey!" I said. "I didn't know we were having company."
"This is my homeboy Zayn," Jaison introduced us. "He's tagging along to help pass out mixtapes and stuff. Zayn this Victorie. Looks like y'all ladies already know each other."
"What's up," Zayn spoke.
I just gave him a head nod.

We were half way there when we stopped at a diner. It was really nice inside. We found a booth by the window. "Order whatever y'all want," Jaison said to Zayn and Ari. "Not you though," he turned to me. "Yo ass is too greedy."
"Whatever," I said as we laughed. "I think I just want a ham and cheese omelette with some hash browns."
"I'll have the same thing," Ari said. "I have to go to the restroom. Victorie come with me."
"Victorie ain't going nowhere until she give me my kiss," Jaison said. "You know you supposed to kiss me every time you hop in my ride. I started to put your ass out."
"Nigga please," I said leaned over to kiss him. "Now move your ass out the way."

"You didn't tell me ya'll was serious," Ari said while we washed our hands.
"And you didn't tell me you was coming on this trip either," I remarked. "But Jaison's not my man."
"It was a last minute thing. Zayn asked me if I wanted to go to a festival in Phoenix with him and his homeboy. I'm free, so I said yeah. I'm glad it's y'all though," she explained.
"So Zayn is your man?" I asked being nosy.
"Now we just mess around sometimes," she said. "I really like him though."
"Oh," I said. "Well I don't know how the rooms are set up, but I don't wanna hear y'all fucking at night."
"Girl you crazy," Ari laughed.

"Bout damn time," Zayn said when we made it back. "The food been made it to the table."
"Man they been in there having a meeting," Jaison said chewing on his food. "You know how they do. Go to bathroom and talk shit about us men."
"You don't know what you talking about," I said sitting down. "You ate half of my hash brown!!"
"Didn't think you was coming back," he grinned.
"It's cool," I said grabbing a pork chop off his plate.
"And I thought yo ass was crazy," Zayn said to Ari.

"You navigate the whip the rest of the way while we take the back," Jaison said throwing his keys to Zayn getting a blanket out the trunk.
"What we doing having a sleepover?" I asked.
"No I'm just trying to get comfortable and feel on you a lil bit," he told. "Now get in."
When we pulled off, he spread the blanket over both of our laps.
"Come here," he said scooting closer to me. He then grabbed my face and kissed me.
"Jaison it's people in here with us," I whispered.
"They not worried about us," he whispered back kissing me again.
Zayn turned the music up even louder, and Ari trained her eyes straight ahead. "See they know what's up."
He then moved from my lips to my neck. "Jaison..." I moaned feeling myself getting wet.
"That feel good huh," he said while rubbing on my thighs. "Why you wear this short ass dress? You know what you be doing don't you? You can't talk Torie?"
"Mmmm," I moaned as he swirled his tongue and sucked on my neck. My legs opened involuntarily, and he slid his hand under my dress. Pulling my panties to the side, he played with my clit.
"Damn you wet," he moaned in my ear. Then he used his free hand to turn my head in his direction and kissed me. By this time, I didn't give a damn about Zayn or Ari being there. I kissed him back slipping my tongue in his mouth. My hips were doing a dance of their own as I rocked against his hand. "You like that shit?" he said.
"Mmmhmm," I moaned throwing my head back. He then moved two fingers in and out of me before using only one to move in a come hither motion to stroke my g spot. I came so hard all over his fingers. He pulled his finger out, and licked my juices off it. Then he pulled a pack of wet wipes from the back pocket of the seat and cleaned me off. I laid my head on his shoulder and drifted off to sleep. Next thing I heard was Ari telling us to wake up and that we were here.
"That was a nice ride huh," Ari winked at me. "And that's a nice hickey on your neck too."
"What?" I asked feeling the side of my neck which was kinda tender. "Aww hell!" I opened up my phone's front camera to check and sure enough there was a nice bright red mark.
"Hydrocortisone cream and a cold spoon will clear it right up," she advised.
"Too bad none of that is available to me huh," I remarked.

"What you mean you don't have any reservations for us?!" Zayn shouted at the hotel clerk. "These rooms were supposed to have been booked."
"It's cool man," Jaison said. "Do you have any suites available ma'am?"
"Let me check," the woman said nervously typing on the computer. "Yes sir. We have two jacuzzi suites available."
"Well we'll take those," he said.
"That'll be $900. Because of the misunderstanding I'm giving you all a free night stay," she said.
"Thank you," he pulled out a knot.

"Calm down nigga," Jaison said. "It's not coming outta yo pockets. The person over the festival gone reimburse me. I texted him while you was doing all that hollering."
"Alright," Zayn said taking their card.
"Now come on," Jaison said grabbing our bags. I could tell Ari was embarrassed. Their room was on the first floor while ours was on the fifth.
"Nigga doing all that damn bitching like he paying for something," Jaison fussed while we boarded the elevator.
"You good?" I asked.
"Yeah," he said. "Now that I'm alone with you." He kissed me. He was trying to start something else, but thankfully the elevator got us to our floor fast. "Come on nasty," I said snatching the card and walking off.

Our room was nice with a king sized bed, a large smart TV, a jacuzzi tub, nice sized shower, and two facebowls.
The decor was neutral with gold framed paintings, gold vases with artificial flowers that looked live, and a plush cream colored carpet. "This shit is nice," Jaison said looking around.
"I know," I said. "I can't wait to soak in that tub."
"I can't wait to get naked with you and soak in the tub either," he said.
"I'on know about all that, " I said.
"Oh it's happening," he said.
I started digging in my bag to find me something to change into.
"What you doing?" he asked. "We going sight seeing in a minute."
"Ok, but I wanna shower and change," I said heading to the bathroom.

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