Chapter 23

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"Hey baby!" I said to Zuri as I came walked into our house. I really missed my baby and was happy to see her. She ran to me grinning.
"Hi baby," my mama greeted me pulling me in for a hug. "I'm so sorry about CeCe baby. How you holding up?"
"I was doing good mama until I made it here," I started to cry. "Now I'm just idk..."
"Oh baby," she said holding me. "I understand. I missed you so much."
"I missed y'all too mama," I said drying my eyes. "Where's my other baby?"
"In her room," she answered. "Joy, your sister's home!"
"Torie, I missed you so much!" Joy said almost knocking me down. "I'm so sorry about CeCe."
"I missed you too Joy," I said kissing her on the forehead.
"Have you eaten anything baby?" my mama asked.
"No ma'am. I don't have an appetite," I answered honestly.
"Well you have to eat," she said taking my hand. "I just finished making a lasagna."
"My favorite," I smiled.
"Yeah," she smiled back. "Now let's go eat."

"This is really good mama," I said. "I think this might be Zuri's favorite too the way she keeps begging."
"That lil gal is just greedy," mama said. "Tell us about your trip."
"Well we went to the zoo and then the botanical gardens. Oh yeah, I got y'all some shirts too," I said. "Then the next day we went hiking, or at least we attempted to. The hotel room was gorgeous. We got a jacuzzi suite. If I could've stolen that tub, I would've. Everything was great until you know..."
"I watched your performance on Facebook live," Joy said. "You did so good. And I saw you kiss Jaison in front of all those people."
"Is that right?" mama said smirking. "In front of all of those people?"
"Mmhmm," Joy said. "He says she's his baby."
"So that's your man now?" mama said.
"Yes," I said. "That's my boyfriend mama."
"I knew it! I knew it!" Joy screamed. "That's what's different about her. She's been doing it."
"Just like when you was doing it," mama said looking at Joy who turned bright red.
"Wait a minute mama," I gasped. "You knew?"
"Yeah I knew," she said. "I heard y'all talking, and I know Vickie knocked the shit out of you so I didn't have to. I'm the one who put the condoms in your purse. Plus it's my fault for not talking to you in the first place."
"Wow," I said getting up to wash my dish. "The food was good, but I gotta go."
"You haven't been too long got here," Joy whined.
"Jaison is outside waiting on us," I said picking Zuri up. "We're going to see Mama J and Tashyra. I'll be back."

"Hey baby doll," Jaison said kissing Zuri who was showing all the little teeth that she had.
"Did you eat yet?" he asked me.
"Yes Jaison," I replied. "You can stop worrying about me."
"Ok," he said. "You're sure you're up to going over here? We just got back, and I know you're tired."
"Yes baby. I'm sure," I said. "Plus I really wanna see Mama J."
He sat there studying me for a while.
"Jaison, we gone sit out here all day, or you gone start the car?" I snapped.
"Well damn," he snapped back. "Excuse me for being concerned."
"I'm sorry," I said rubbing his arm.
"It's all good," he said starting the car.

"Hey Mama J," I said squeezing her tight. "I just.." I couldn't find the words to say.
"It's ok baby," she said squeezing me back. "I know. I'm just happy to see you."
"How you been holding up?" I asked. "I know this is a lot in such a short time."
"I didn't think my heart could break anymore than it already was, but it did," she responded. "I just miss my babies so much, but I know that God makes no mistakes. I'm glad I had them here with me if only for a short time."
She and I were there alone. Jaison had left with the babies to get Mama J something to eat.
"I'm gonna miss that crazy girl so much," I said. "I don't know what I'm gonna do without her."
"Keep living and enjoying life," she said. "Just like she'd want you to. Thank you for being her friend. I know that girl was crazy and had her ways sometimes."
"I love CeCe," I said. "And crazy is an understatement." We both laughed.

"I'm back," Jaison said. "Please get these bad ass Be'Be' kids."
"They not bad," I said.
"Tashyra is a motormouth, and all ours does is beg," he said.
"Ours?" Mama J smiled. "Y'all are finally together. Steve Wonder could see how bad this boy was lusting after you."
"Don't start Auntie J," Jaison said. Here I got you catfish, a baked potato, and a green salad."
"Thank you baby," she said. "You always trying to take care of me."
"You know you the closest thing I have to a mama left," he said. "You been taking your heart medicine like you should? I don't want you stressing. You want me to handle the arrangements?"
"Jaison, I'm ok," she said. "Y'all can help me though. I have to go to the funeral home tomorrow."
"We'll be here," I assured her.
"Auntie Torie," Tashyra said patting on me.
"What baby?" I asked placing her in my lap.
"God came and got my mama," she said. "But she'll always be with me in here. That's what Jaison said."
"She will baby," I said kissing her head.
"The day she left, she told me that you'd take care of me when she couldn't," she continued.
"I will baby," I responded. "She told you right."
Then she hopped off my lap to play with her toys. I didn't know what else to say, so I rocked Zuri who'd laid her head on my shoulder.
"I know it's a bit much," Mama J said. "She told me her mama played with her, kissed her, and told her she'll always love her before she went to sleep. She came to me complaining because her mama was sleeping too long."
"Damn," Jaison said.
"Can I use your bathroom right quick?" I asked Mama J.
I had to get out of there quick.
"Sure baby," she said. "You know you don't have to ask me that."
I quickly passed the baby to Jaison and hauled ass.

I was boohooing when I made it to the bathroom. I guess I was taking too long because Jaison was soon knocking on the door.
"Victorie, open up," he said.
"I'm fine Jaison," I lied.
"No you not," he said. "Open up."
I reluctantly opened up the door.
He wiped my tears. "Listen I don't ever want you lying to me saying you're fine when you're not," he said grabbing my face forcing me to look him in the eye. "Do you understand me?"
"Jaison, I just don't want you to worry about me. This is your family. The only family that you have here. I know you're hurting," I said.
"You know, it does hurt," he said. "But you're my sunshine and my lil peace of happiness in the midst of all of this, so I gotta make sure you good."
"I love you so much, Jaison," I said.
"I know," he said. "I love you so much more. Now go tell Auntie J bye so I can take you home."

"I'll see you tomorrow Mama J," I said giving her a kiss.
"I'll back after I drop Torie off," Jaison let her know. "I'm staying here to keep you company tonight."
"You don't have to do that son," she said. "I'll be fine."
"I know I don't have to, but I want to," he smiled at her. "It's not up for debate."

It was almost midnight, and sleep was nowhere to be found even though I was physically tired. My mind just wouldn't rest. I laid on my back thinking about all the crazy times I had with CeCe. I thought about when we stole some of her brother's money and took a bus down to Long Beach. When we got back, our mamas beat our asses. I thought about the time we fought these older girls and lost. Then her brother taught us how to fight, and we were whooping bitches left and right. I laughed when I thought about how she tried to fight Jaison because he embarrassed her in front of this boy that she liked. I was missing CeCe so much.
My phone buzzed alerting me about a text.
Jaison: you up? I can't sleep
Me: I'm up. Can't sleep either.
Jaison: can I come over
Me: sure
Jaison: I'll be there in 5

"Man I shouldn't have went back over there," he said. "I heard Auntie J in her room crying. She said she's fine, but she wouldn't let me come in."
"She just wants to grieve alone Jaison without you worrying about her," I said. "Just pray for her."
"Well come on then," he said kneeling down beside my bed. "Let's pray.
That night we talked to God about everything.

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