Chapter 5

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"Hey pretty lady!" Jaison greeted me. "How was work?"
"Hey! It was ok. You know work is just work," I responded. "So where you taking me tonight?"
"I thought we'd do something fun and different," Jaison said. "You ever been on a picnic?"
"No," I said. "Have you?"
"Nope, but we're about have our first picnic tonight at Angels Park," he answered.
"Angels Park? Not far from the burbs? Are you trying to get us locked up?!" I asked looking at him like he's crazy.
"Chill, we'll be way in the back by the lake," he laughed. "And I have enough sense not to park too close to the park."
"Ok," I said. "So did you make our food?"
"Hell no!! I did cop us a small sandwich tray, some cheesecake, and some bubbly," he said. "I even borrowed my aunt's old picnic basket plus went out and bought a few blankets and a couple of pillows for you to get comfortable on."
"Well thank you sir for going all out," I said with a smile.

Fifteen minutes later, we were parked within walking distance of the park.
"Well come on," Jaison said. "Let's get this party started."
We walked the to the back of the park towards the lake. The closer we got, I began to hear moans and voices. One of those voices sounded like Joy's.
"Looks like somebody beat us to the spot," Jaison whispered. "We'll just find another spot."
"Whose pussy is this?" I heard a male voice say.
"It's yours," I heard Joy say.
I was one hundred percent sure that it was my little sister, and I was now one hundred percent sure that was my car that I saw parked back there.
"Let me see your phone," I whispered to Jaison.
"What?" he asked.
"Just unlock it, so I can use your flashlight. I can't see," I said.
Jaison passed me his phone, and I turned down the brightness so they couldn't see us until I turned on the flashlight. I waited until we were a few feet away and shined it directly on them. There was Joy on all fours getting pounded from behind by some boy.
"Oh my God!" she screamed in shock.
"Joy, get the fuck up! Now!!" I yelled. The boy was trying to quickly put his penis back in his pants, but wasn't quick enough because I noticed that he wasn't wearing a rubber.
"Vickie, what are you doing here?" Joy said. She could barely look me in my face.
"What are doing here fucking this lil ugly ass boy?!" I yelled. "I give you the keys to my car, ask mama to give you a little bit of freedom, and this is what you do?! The nigga didn't even have on a rubber! Are you trying to fuck your life up?!"
"First off all, I never asked you to do anything for me! It's because of you that I'm on such a tight leash in the first place!! And no, I would never be dumb enough to fuck my life up by having a baby like you did!! Be a mother to Zuri because you're not mine!" Joy said getting in my face.
I don't know if she was trying to show out in front of this lil boy or what because at home she was usually this shy timid kid, but she now had me seeing red. Jaison must've sensed it because I felt him grab my left hand. He should've been grabbing my right one because that's the one I used to slap fire from Joy. The courage she had when she was running her mouth must've evaporated because she grabbed her face and burst into tears instead of fighting back.
"Man I'm out Joy," the boy said to her as he quickly walked away while calling a ride on phone.
She just sat there looking stupid. The nigga didn't even try to see if she was straight or even give an explanation.
"Nigga don't even give a fuck about you!" I hollered at her. "Take your silly ass home, park my shit, and put my keys back where they belong!"
"I'm sorry Vickie," she said lowly.
"Joy get the fuck out of my face," I hissed before she ran off crying.
Jaison grabbed both of my hands and pulled me close.
"We can go home ma since you're upset," he said.
I didn't even realize that I was crying until he wiped a tear from my cheek.
"No, we're not," I said. "I owe you a date, and I want to experience my first picnic. That's not gonna ruin my night."
"Well ok. Let's find us another spot then," he said. We made our way to another spot by the lake.

"You good?" Jaison asked as we ate.
"Yeah I'm ok," I answered. "You good? I know you wasn't impressed by my family drama."
"It's all good," he said. "I see that you really care about your lil sis. A lot of kids in the ghetto really don't have anyone who gives a damn about them."
"Yeah I love her so much and only want what's best for her," I sighed. "Even though it's obvious that she hates me which is something that I never knew."
"I'on think she hates you Victorie," Jaison said. "I just think she was embarrassed. She knows you love her, and she's lucky to have you. I wish I had somebody to stay on my ass when I was a teenager; maybe I would've turned out better. Look at me. I'm a dope boy/ rapper."
"Well you still have time to change what you don't like and pursue your music. I've been thinking about taking some online classes because I feel like working at that store is a dead end for me," I confessed. He moved to lie on his back.
"See that's what I like about you, Victorie," he said. "You wanna do better, and you look beyond your current situation instead of wallowing in it. I think that is so sexy."
"Really?" I blushed.
"Shit yeah!" he said before he pulled me on top of him for a kiss.
We locked lips as he palmed my ass.
"Jaison that feels so good," I moaned as he moved his lips down to my neck.
Before I knew it he'd lifted my dress and was now palming my naked ass cheeks, as I grinded again his hard dick.
"Shit Torie," he moaned. "Look we gotta stop before we be out here doing what you just slapped your sister for." He then sat up and slid me off him.
"Ok," I said. " You ready to go?"
"No ma'am," he laughed. "Let me find out that you're trying to use me for food and dick."
"Whatever," I smacked my lips.
"I'm just playing," he said. "But be cool and lay on this pillow so we can look at the stars."
"This is beautiful," I said. "I've never really paid attention to the stars."
"I know it's beautiful, almost as beautiful as you," he said. "I come out here to clear my mind sometimes and to write my music."
"So I must be special if you bringing me here huh?" I inquired.
"Most definitely ma," Jaison said while grabbing my hand.
I smiled. That Jaison was definitely one of a kind, and after tonight he was definitely growing on me.

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