Chapter 11

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"Good morning beautiful!" Jaison greeted when I got in his car.
"Morning," I responded dryly.
"Who pissed in your cereal this morning?" Jaison frowned. "Last time I checked I was the one being nice and giving you a ride to work. And why you got on that big ass t-shirt?"
"I'm sorry," I said. "It's the second day Jaison.
"The what?" he asked looking at me crazy.
"The second day of the red river ok," I said. "I'm irritated, bloated, and nothing fits me right."
"Ohh my bad," he threw his hands up. "You look nice though."
"Yeah right," I smacked my lips.
"So I came a lil early so we'd have time to stop for coffee," he said. "And from the looks of it, you definitely need something."

We ended up stopping at this lil cafe not too far from my job. I decided to go to the bathroom to try to finesse this big t-shirt into something cute while Jaison ordered for us. On the way back to our table, I spotted Asia and waved at her. "Who is that lil chick?" Jaison asked.
"That's Asia. She just got hired at the store," I said. "Why?"
"Because she been staring at me since we got here," he said. "You got something on your face; lemme get it off." I leaned forward thinking he was being honest, but he pressed his lips against mine.
"Jaison..." I said when he pulled away grinning.
"Well she ain't looking no more," Jaison laughed. "Bitch just dropped her head."
"Why you do that fool?" I asked.
"Because I wanted a kiss," he answered. "Now enjoy your stuff before it gets cold. We got 15 minutes to enjoy our meal."

"Thank you so much," I said when we pulled up to my job.
"No problem," he said. "What time you get off?"
"Five on the dot," I said.
"I'll be here," he said. "Have a great day." He then kissed me on the cheek.
Asia was walking up to the door the same time as I was.
"I didn't know Jaison was your boyfriend," she said nervously. "I mean I knew y'all did that song together which is fire by the way..."
"Asia we're gonna be working together, so please.... It ain't a big deal," I let her know. "He's handsome, so I know every straight woman with eyes looks at him."
"I would never make a move on him though," she said. I knew that if given the chance she would just from the look on her face. She was one of those sneaky bitches.
"Even if you did, Asia, I wouldn't be worried," I said stunning her.
"What..." she said.
"You ain't me baby girl," I said walking off.

"Asia check to make sure everything is in it's proper place. Victorie, I need to speak with you about something," Mrs. Ora said once we put our belongings up.
"What you need to see me about?" I asked once Asia left the room.
"Well I see where you requested some days off to go outta town, but I don't know if that's gone work," she said. "You know we're short handed now that Ari is gone."
"That's not my problem Mrs. Ora," I let her know. "What I have to do is important."
"This store is important too," she said. "And I'm sure you having a job is important since you're a single mother."
"Whatever Mrs. Ora," I said. "This store is your life not mine."
"And starting next month, I'm printing out monthly schedules instead of weekly," she went on. "And y'all are only allowed to call in one time per month. All other absences require a doctor's note."
"This is bullshit," I said. Nothing was gonna keep me from performing. I'd quit if I have to.

Monica arrived at 12, and it turns out that her and Asia knew each other before working here. They were cliqued tight, and then there was me all alone by myself since my girl Ari was no longer there. I overheard bits and pieces of their conversations, and the bitches didn't like me. "I thought that was the bitch that was on that song," Monica whispered. "Bitch on the radio, but still working here." They giggled. "Do you know she tried to check me over that nigga Jaison this morning," Asia told her. " I saw them at the cafe this morning, and he was staring like he wanted to fuck me." The bitch was lying her ass off.
"What she say girl?" Monica asked.
"Basically she ain't worried about me because I'm not her," Asia said.
"And you didn't pop the bitch?" Monica asked.
"The bitch ain't worth it," Asia said. "She thinks she all that with them ugly green eyes, nappy ass hair, and all them damn freckles. Funny looking ass."
I walked right past her bumping into her hard. They both stood there looking stupid.

At 1, I took my lunch break, and went to the soul food joint down the street. They had the best fried chicken and macaroni, and I'd been craving some.
As I waited for my food to arrive I received a text from Ari.
Ari: this is Ari what's up big head. I miss you. How's it going at the hellhole
Me: a bunch of bullshit. I hate the new bitches. I overheard them talking about me earlier
Ari: them bitches just jealous. I can come up there again and kick some ass if you need me to
Me: no I can handle mine. Let me ask you something. How you get my number heiffa?
Ari: from the office before I left yesterday. I wanted to keep in touch with my favorite work buddy if it's  cool with you.
Me: Yeah it's cool. We should definitely keep in touch.
Ari: well i know you're on break bout to chow down so ttyl
Honestly I missed having a female friend to talk to. CeCe had hurt me bad with the way she was shutting me out, so I had no one. I finished my lunch and headed back to the store.

When I got back it was pretty busy, and Mrs. Ora was at the register. I quickly opened up the second register to help get these people out of here. "Damn," I said. "Where all these people come from?"
"Some Blueface boy is having a concert tonight," Mrs. Ora answered talking about this new rapper. Her orange lipstick was smeared and some was on her teeth. I looked up to see Asia and Monica doing nothing. Monica standing in the middle of the floor and Asia sitting by the dressing rooms texting on her phone. She wasn't even counting the number of items people had going in. Some went in with five items and came out with three. The security alarm was going off back to back, but we didn't know who was stealing because people were leaving out in groups.
"So you not gonna say nothing to them girls?" I asked Mrs. Ora.
"They new. They gotta be trained," she answered.
"Trained for what? The shit is common sense," I side eyed her.
I ended up working the register for almost the rest of my shift.

At 4:45, I went on the floor to straighten things up a little when in walked Jaison. "Hey Jaison," Asia and Monica spoke and giggled.
"What's up" he spoke back as he made his way to the men's section. I kept arranging dresses and ignored the bitches the best that I could. As I went to put a pair of shorts back, I noticed Jaison talking and laughing to a beautiful curvy chick. She was bad, big ass, big tits, light skinned, long hair, with honey brown eyes. "I'll see you around Jaison," the baddie said flashing her pearly whites.
"That bitch is bad huh," Asia said walking up beside me. "But you not worried though. I mean... She ain't you." She giggled then walked away.
I quickly walked to the back to clock out and grab my bag.

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