Chapter 8

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Before I could even get through the door good, my mama was on me. " So you had to act a fool at the repast huh, Victorie?" she said while shaking her head.
"It wasn't my fault," I defended. "I just finished what CeCe started, and then I left. They don't have to worry about me no more though."
"There's a time and a place for everything," she said. "You and that mouth of yours... Baby you gotta learn when to keep it shut."
"Ma, I've never been one to hold my tongue and let people walk all over me & I'm not about to start now," I stated. "Gimme Zuri; I'm out of here."
I grabbed my baby and headed to my car.

I had no idea where I was going at first, but we ended up at Angels Park. I know I looked hella crazy to those wealthy white people with my black bodycon dress, my sneakers, my dreads, and my nose ring. I hadn't even changed out my funeral clothes, just threw on some sneakers that I had in my car. As I looked around, this was a big contrast to where I'm from. Kids playing peacefully, no fighting, no loud music, no cussing, no guns being drawn. This was the kind of environment I wanted to live in. My baby kicked and giggled as I pushed her back and forth in the kiddie swing. This was my first time taking her to the park. "You having fun mama?!" I laughed as I tickled her. My phone buzzed alerting me to multiple texts from Joy and Jaison.
Joy: Are you ok? I heard you and mama.
Me: Yeah I'm fine. Mama is just being mama. I'm not worried about it.
Joy: I think she's just sad and frustrated. Everytime something happens, I think it takes her back to when she lost your dad.
Me: Maybe, but I'm affected by it too. Thanks for checking on me. Ily
Joy: ily too
I closed our messages and opened up the one from Jaison.
Jaison: You busy
Me: No at Angels Park with my baby
Jaison: You want some company
Me: Sure come through
Jaison: be there in a few

Fifteen minutes later, Jaison was strolling up to us. "Oh my God!" I laughed. "Now I know these white people definitely think we're crazy."
Jaison had on a wife beater, a baseball hat, dress pants, and some Jordans. He looked down at his attire and laughed.
"Well I never went home to change," he said. "Hey lil mama!" He turned his attention to Zuri who reached for him to pick her up. "It's hot out here huh? Want some ice cream?"
"Hell yeah, we want some ice cream," I answered.
"I already know your greedy ass want some. I was talking to the baby," he laughed. "I remember you ate 30 pieces of sandwiches the last time we was here!"
"Well I was hungry," I laughed.

We walked to the ice cream truck where we got two chocolate ice cream cones and a popsicle in a tube for Zuri to hold. Afterwards we walked to the lake and popped a squat right on the grass. "So how you holding up Jaison?" I asked.
"Much better than I was earlier thanks to you," he answered. "So what about you? How you end up over here right after I dropped you off?"
"Well my mama tried to get off in my ass about what went down at the repast," I said. "I got mad, grabbed my baby, and jetted here."
"Your mouth can be reckless at times," Jaison stated. "But you before you cuss me out, you don't be the one starting shit."
"Thank you," I said. "Glad you see it."
"I understand your crazy ass a lil bit," he said.
Zuri kept trying to climb in his lap.
"Zuri, no he can't hold you. He's trying to eat his icecream," I told her.
"She good," he said. "It's a good sign that she likes me. I think she wants me to be her new daddy." He then kissed her on her curly head.
"I'm bout ready to head in," I said when we finished our icecream. "You wanna come to the crib with me?"
"Yeah, that's cool," he said.

When we walked through the door, my mama was sitting on the sofa.
"Ma, this my friend Jaison," I introduced them. "Jaison, this is my mama Victoria."
"Nice to meet you," my mama said. "I'm about to cook some baked chicken and pasta if y'all hungry."
"Ok," I said. "We'll be in my room."
"Wow, this is nice," Jaison said when we entered my room. "Honestly this is the cleanest house, I've been to in the hood."
"Well just cause we live in a dirty world, don't mean we have to literally live in filth," I said which was something my mama would always say to us. "Now make yourself comfortable. I'm bout to go change. You think you can handle Zuri for a minute?"
"Yeah I got this," he reassured me.
I went to the bathroom, quickly showered, changed into a cami and some shorts, and put my locs up in a messy bun.
I paused at the door as I watched Jaison playing with Zuri on my bed. He tossed her around as she laughed and screamed loudly. He laughed along with her. "So you gone come join us or you just gone stare like you retarded?" he asked me.
I came over, picked up a pillow, and wrapped him in the head while Zuri climbed on his back. He knocked us both down on the bed, and we all fell out laughing. "Ok I need a break," he said. "Lil mama you wore me out." He then kissed her on the cheek.
I got up to get him a bottle of water from my mini fridge.
"I see you got a couple of cds here. I wanna hear some music," he said.
"What you in the mood for?" I asked. "I got a little bit of everything."
"I wanna hear some of your music; the shit you wrote and sang," he answered.
"I only did like two mixtapes, but that was right after I had my baby," I said.
"Well let me hear your first one," he said.
I popped it in the cd player and watched as he bobbed his head up and down. "This is some Mary J and Keyshia Cole type shit," he commented.
"Yeah, I was going through a tough time when I made this one," I shared. "This probably the most depressing stuff I've recorded."
"It's not depressing," he said. "It's relatable." He listened to a few more of my songs, and then Promise came on. "This one is dedicated to the baby huh?" he said.
"Yeah," I said. "I wrote it while I was in the hospital the day after she was born."
"I think this one is my favorite," he smiled. "How come you didn't promote and push your music more?"
"Before I had the baby, I'd sing at parties and weddings, and I'd sell my mixtapes at the plaza to make money. After I had her, I had to get a real job to take care of both of us. I really didn't have the time or the extra money to pay for studio time or record. I never stopped writing though," I answered.
"Well when we get back from the festival, I'm putting you in the studio," he said. "I'll pay for it."

Five minutes later, we were all seated at the kitchen table eating. "This is so good Miss Victoria," Jaison complemented.
"Thank you, baby" my mama smiled. "How long have you and Vickie been seeing each other?" I just knew she wouldn't be able to resist being nosy.
"Ma, we're not together like that," I rolled my eyes. "He's just a friend that I worked on some music with."
"Well, I like him," she continued. "And you've never had a "friend" over, so I thought it was something else."
"Oh she hasn't?" Jaison smiled. "Well I must be special."
"You are, but her stubborn ass will never admit it," mama laughed.
"Well it's getting late," I said pushing back from the table. "I have to get ready for bed. I have to get up early in the morning. Jaison, do you want a piece of lemon cake to take home?" I was already headed to wrap him a couple of pieces up before he even answered.
"Yeah sure," he said getting up too. "It was nice meeting you Miss Victoria."
"I enjoyed your company tonight," she smiled at him. "Hopefully I'll see you again soon." She winked at him.
"Come on Jaison," I said. "I'll walk you out."

"So was what your mama said true?" Jaison said when we made it outside.
"Man what you talking about?" I said.
"Am I special?" he asked stepping into my personal space.
"Jaison I..." I couldn't seem to find my words. He then kissed my lips. "Look Jaison, I'm not ready to be in a relationship right now."
"Victorie, just know that I don't wanna just be referred to as a friend forever. I'll text you to let you know about rehearsal." He then jogged to his car leaving me standing there looking stupid.

"Sit down Victorie," my mama said soon as walked back inside. I took a seat next to her on the couch. "Why you acting like that?"
"Mama..." I began.
"You really like that boy huh?" she said. "He's smitten with you too."
"I know. He told me," I said.
"Well what's the problem?" she asked.
"Ma I'm just trying to take care of my responsibilities and stay focused," I answered. "I'm about to sign up for some online classes, so I can get a degree and a better job. I don't need any distractions."
"Sounds like some bullshit excuses to me," she said. "How's he a distraction? He seems to have a lot going for himself. What does he do for a living?"
"He's a street dude, ma. A dope dealer," I answered. "I'm not about to get attached to somebody and then lose them."
"Oh so that's what is?" she said. "Well baby, I'm sorry to tell you, but you're already attached. What will be will be. Everything is in God's hands when it comes to life or death. You can't miss out on something beautiful with another person because you afraid. Give it try."
"I'll think about it," I stated.
"Didn't you say y'all did music together?" she asked.
"Yes ma'am," I said. "We did a song together. It's doing very good. He thinks it can take us far. We supposed to be performing at a festival in Phoenix in a couple of weeks. I was gonna tell you before I left earlier."
"Well music seems to be his passion, not the streets," she said. "Quit being so guarded all the time girl! Loosen up, have fun, get you some but no more babies!!"
"Maaa..." I laughed.
"I'm so proud of you, Victorie" she said getting serious. "I love you."
"I love you too ma."
I picked up Zuri and headed to my room.

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