Chapter 31

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A month later....
"Wake up! Wake up baby!" Jaison burst into his bedroom shouting with Zuri following right behind him. "I got something to tell you!!!"
"What nigga?" I groaned. "You know how early it is?"
"It's not early," he said. "It's eleven, so wake yo jug head ass up."
"Jaison what you want?" I fussed as I sat up in bed.
"I came to tell your ugly ass that somebody from Legacy Records just called me, and I have a meeting with them tomorrow afternoon," he smiled.
"Really?!!!" I screamed jumping up to hug and kiss him. "Congratulations baby!!"
"Thank you baby, but damn," he said stepping back.
"What's wrong?" I asked confused.
"Go brush yo damn teeth," he laughed. "All the hairs in my nostrils are destroyed."
"Man I hate you," I said covering my mouth and running to the bathroom.
"I love you too," he laughed. "And don't be in there too long. We going out to eat."

"Damn that ass is sitting up right," Jaison remarked as he walked behind me to our table at Dulan's Soul Food. "All them back shots paying off."
"Nothing but a damn pervert," I mumbled. We took our seat at the table, and a big booty server came over.
"Hey Jaison," she grinned. "I still think you fine as fuck even though you started acting funny with me."
"Man Jada don't start that shit," he said. I guess that wasn't what she wanted to hear.
"What y'all getting to drink?" she asked us with an attitude.
"I'm not getting nothing," I said standing up. "But you bout to be getting an ass whooping if you don't watch yourself. Come on Jaison let's go."
"Victorie just sit down," he said calmly. "We can request another server."
"Jaison I said let's go," I repeated. "I don't want nothing from here, and I'm not feeding my baby nothing from here."
By now the other patrons were looking at us crazy, especially this group of old white women. Jaison snatched Zuri's diaper bag out of my hand and stormed out.
"What the fuck are you mad at me for?" I asked when we got in the car.
"Because that shit is embarrassing," Jaison fussed. "You don't know how to act sometimes."
"I don't know how to act, but the bitch was disrespecting me and you?" I asked in shock. "Yeah ok. You can take your ass back in there, eat the bitch's discharge that she puts in your food and drink the spit that'll be in your drink.  Me and Zuri will catch an Uber back to my mama's house."
"Just shut the fuck up," he said as he started the car.
"That's what I thought," I said rolling my eyes.

We ended up going to this new black owned restaurant called Mama's House, and boy could they throw down. "You still mad at me Jaison?" I asked feeding Zuri some sweet potato pone. "You barely talking to me."
"Nah," he answered. "Just got a lot on my mind."
"You thinking about tomorrow huh?" I asked. "You nervous?"
"A little bit," he said. "This could be it if they like me and my music enough."
"Once they meet you, they gone love you," I smiled. "They already like your music. Fuck is you talking about?"
He smiled. "I'm so proud of you baby," I said. "I know you bout to take this music business by storm."
"Thank you baby," he said. "And not just me; we gone take this music business by storm. Your time coming soon."
"You think so?" I asked.
"I know so," he said. "Even though you crazy as hell, you really gifted."
"You just gotta compliment and insult me at the same time huh needle dick?" I laughed.
"Ain't nothing little about this," he laughed.
"Whatever nigga," I said. "Watch Zuri while I go to the restroom."

I exited restroom and ran smack into the last person that I wanted or was expecting to see.
"Damn Victorie you look good," Ramirez said looking me up and down.
"Mmhmm," I said brushing past him. "Now excuse me."
"You should give me your number, so we can talk," he said grabbing my arm to stop me. "I been missing you."
"Well I ain't been missing your deadbeat ass, so get the fuck out my face," I mean mugged him.
"Everything good over here?" I heard Jaison say as he walked up on side of me holding Zuri.
"Yeah," I said. "You ready to go?"
"So that's the baby?" Ramirez asked looking at Zuri.
"You know this nigga?" Jaison asked confused. "Who is this?"
"Just a piece of shit," I said. "Nothing to be worried about. Come on."
"No, who the fuck is this nigga?" Jaison asked again handing Zuri to me. "We obviously got a problem if you standing over here with your face screwed up, but it ain't nothing for me to handle it for you right quick."
"So this yo lil boyfriend?" Ramirez sized Jaison up. "Lil nigga you don't know who you fucking with, so I suggest you sit yo-"
Before he could finish his sentence, Jaison started hitting him, beating him to the ground. As he stood over Ramirez, he pulled a gun from his pants.
"Nigga next time you see me or her make sure your ass go the other way," Jaison said. "Or your ass won't make it home."
"Omg he's got a gun!" some white lady screamed causing panic to spread throughout the restaurant.
"Come Jaison baby," I pleaded. "Let's just go before you get in trouble Ramirez isn't worth it." He quickly tucked the gun back in his pants and stormed out.

"So who the fuck is that nigga?" Jaison asked as he drove us home. "You called his name, so you obviously know him."
"Ramirez is Zuri's daddy," I said.
"Man fuck that nigga; I'm her daddy," he said angrily.
"I know that Jaison," I stated. "You gotta calm down. You can't be beating niggas and pulling your gun out in public like that. You got big things coming up. You can't fuck that up."
"I am calm," he said. "But I will kill that bitch if I see him again and he tries me."
"Jaison did you not hear what I just said?!" I hollered at him. Instead of responding he turned the music up.
When we made it to his house, he stormed inside leaving us behind. Instead of going inside, I hopped in my car and left.

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