Chapter 27

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I put my hair into a messy bun and threw on an oversized t-shirt dress. Jaison and I were going to get clothes for CeCe to be buried in. I packed Zuri a diaper bag, and went into the living room where she was with my mama and Joy.
"Where you going?" my mama asked.
"I'm going to pick out clothes for CeCe," I said. "I'm taking Zuri with me."
"I need you to take Joy too," she said. "I have plans."
"Mama I can stay here," Joy said. "I'm not a lil baby."
"No you can't," she said. "I don't know how long I'mma be gone, and I don't want no lil boys in my house."
"What kinda plans you got Victoria?" I asked like I was the parent. "You don't have no female friends."
"Well mama..." she smiled. "If you must know, I ran into this guy that I used to go to school with at the grocery store, and he's taking me out today."
"That's nice mama," I smiled. "But keep your legs closed young lady."
Joy burst out laughing.
"Ain't y'all got some nerve," mama rolled her eyes.
"Joy, go get your shoes," I said. "Jaison's outside."
"Can I just borrow your car, and go to the movies or something instead?" Joy asked me. "Please."
"Yes Joy," I answered passing her my keys. "But yo ass better not be..."
"I know and I won't," she smiled. "I promise.

We ended up at The Grove once again. This time the occasion wasn't so joyous. "You got any idea of what you looking for?" Jaison asked pushing Zuri in her stroller.
"Nope," I replied. "Let's just get the undergarments first."
We headed to Victoria's Secret. I found a black bra and panty set for CeCe.
"Here get these too," Jaison said placing some items on the check out counter.
"What is this?" I asked.
"Just some things I wanna see you in," he said.
"Ok sir," the blonde cashier smiled. "That'll be $495."
"Jaison that's way too much," I fussed. "Ma'am just the black panties and bra. You can put-"
"Here you go," he said peeling off five one hundred dollar bills. "Be cool and let a nigga treat you."
We then went into this boutique called Her which had a little bit of everything. We found a pretty pink sparkly dress for CeCe and a pretty pale pink three piece pants set for myself. Jaison agreed to let me pay for those items, but came right behind me with more clothes.
"Now the next store we going to doesn't have anything in there for you," he said. "So you can't tell a nigga nothing."
"Whatever," I said. "Lead the way."
The next store we went to was a children's store, and he dropped some serious cash on Zuri. He bought clothes, shoes, toys, hair bows, and hats.
"Thank you," I said damn near in tears. "You didn't have to do that for her."
"You know I gotta take care of my baby," he said looking down at a sleeping Zuri.
"You did more for her in one day than her own piece of shit father ever did," I said.
"Fuck him," Jaison said. "That's my baby now."
After we got something to eat, we headed to take the clothes to Mama J.

"This is beautiful," Mama J said looking at the dress we'd found. "CeCe would love this. This is why I let y'all do it."
"Torie actually got it for her," Jaison said. "She threatened to cut me if I didn't let her."
"Y'all are a mess," Mama J laughed. "Y'all wanna stay for dinner? I'll cook something."
"No ma'am," I answered. "We ate not too long ago, and I gotta get my baby cleaned up and ready for bed."
"Ok," she said. "I got a few things of CeCe's that I wanna give to you though, so hold on a minute." She went into CeCe's room and returned with a small box of things. "I want you to have these."
"Thank you so much," I said hugging her tight.
"You welcome baby," she squeezed me back. "My sisters Irma and Martha and their kids are flying in tomorrow. I want you to meet them."
"Oh Lord," Jaison sighed. "Them crazy ass people..."
"Your crazy ass kin people," Mama J laughed. "Nicholas and David are excited about seeing you."
"I bet," he said. "Come on Torie let's go. I'mma need all the rest I can get tonight if I'mma be dealing with them fools tomorrow."
Mama J just laughed.

"I'll carry the baby, and you carry the bags," I said to Jaison as we got out the car at my house. I grabbed Zuri and the diaper bag, and knocked on the door but nobody answered. "Damn where's mama?" I fussed. Jaison sat the bags down and grabbed Zuri while I got my house key out of my purse. As I opened the door, I heard Rnb playing, and as I flipped on the light I almost died of embarrassment. There was my mama on the couch butt ass naked riding some man. "Victorie..." she gasped as she looked back. I quickly slammed the door shut.
"Well damn," Jaison chuckled nervously. "This is some awkward shit."
"You know I think we'll just stay with you tonight," I said embarrassed. "Is that cool?"
"Yeah sure," he said. "Come on."
"That shit is so embarrassing!!" I said on the way to Jaison's house.
"They're human and have desires too," he said laughing. "But I ain't never..."
"What? Walked in on your girl's mama riding a dick," I finished.
"I'm traumatized for life!! LIFE!!! Do you hear me?"
My phone rang, and it was mama.
"Hey Miss Rich if you nasty," I answered. "You're on speaker..."
"Y'all I am so sorry," she apologized. "Y'all can come back."
"We're staying at Jaison's," I said. "We'll be back some time tomorrow, so you can continue. Bust you a big one."
"Vickie if you don't watch your mouth..." she fussed.
Jaison just died laughing.
"I'm so embarrassed," she said.
"How you think we feel?" I asked. "I'm traumatized for life. Anyway my phone's about to die. Good night, love you."
"Love you too," she said before hanging up.
"That shit ain't funny nigga," I said side eyeing Jaison.
"Yes the hell it is," he laughed.

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