Chapter 34

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It'd been six weeks since Jaison signed with Legacy Records, and I was shopping at The Grove with Sheika, Ari, and Anika. "What's wrong with you?" Anika asked. "You've been mighty quiet."
"Just got a lot on my mind," I said.
"Girl your man is signed to a major record label," Sheika said. "I'd be Carefree Karen if I was you."
"You'd be Lonely Laurie actually," I told her.
"What you mean?" Ari asked.
"They want him to start working on his album right away since the mixtape that he released before he got signed is getting a lot of buzz," I explained. "He gained a heap of fans from doing the festival."
"Well you should work on another mixtape and focus on your music since you have nothing else to do," Sheika said.
"I uploaded a few songs to YouTube and SoundCloud before I came here," I said. "I feel like I'm stuck y'all."
My phone started ringing, but it was an unknown number so I declined it and stuck it in my pocket.
"Keep the faith sis," Ari said hugging me. "Sometimes things take time."
"And until then there's always therapy," Anika stated.
"Therapy?" we asked at the same time.
"Yeah retail therapy," Anika answered.  "Let's hit Frederick's Of Hollywood. We bout to school you on how to get your groove back lil Stella."

That night I put on an open cup crotchless teddy, lit some candles, and put on some slow jams. 
"Hey daddy," I greeted Jaison with a kiss soon as he walked through the door. I then pulled his pants down and dropped to my knees.
"Damn baby," he moaned as I deep throated him. I didn't stop until he exploded down my throat.
"Take your clothes off, and sit down," I instructed him. He then took a seat on the couch where I straddled him.
"I been missing you so much Jaison," I said kissing him passionately.
"I missed you too," he said kissing me back roughly. "I love you so much."
"I love you too," I moaned as he slipped a nipple into his mouth. I was so wet that my juices were dripping onto his lap. I slipped him inside me, and circled my hips slowly. He grabbed my hips and started thrusting into me. "Shit, Torie baby you feel so fucking good," he moaned lowly. As he hit my spot, I sucked his neck to keep from screaming out and waking the baby. I got up when I thought he was about to nut.
"What you doing baby?" he whispered. Instead of responding, I turned around and rode him reverse cowgirl style until he exploded. We sat there for a minute breathing hard with him still inside of me until he laid me down on the couch. "Open your legs," he commanded. "I wanna taste this pretty pussy." He then made love to me with his tongue before climbing on top of me. "Jaison..." I moaned with tears running down my face as he thrusted deeply inside me.

The next morning, my sleep was interrupted by my ringing iPhone and Zuri who was climbing on me.
"Hello," I answered groggily.
"May I speak with Miss Victorie Rich please?" an overly cheerful Caucasian lady said.
"This is she," I said confused.
"I'm calling from Powerhouse Records," she said. "My boss Mr. Daniel Schaffer would like to know if you're free to meet with him today around noon?"
"Yes ma'am," I said now fully awake. "Noon is fine. I'll be there."
"Ok," she said. "I'll let him know. See you soon."
"Ahhh!!!" I screamed when I hung up. "Zuri Zuri Zuri mama has a meeting with a label exec!!!" I picked her up kissing her all over her face.
I then called my mama to see if she could watch Zuri later. I didn't wanna get my hopes up or jinx anything, so I didn't tell anybody what was going on.
I didn't wanna over dress, so I chose a pair of paper bag pants, a nice cami, a simple blazer, and some pointed toe flats. I styled my hair into a half up style and applied a little eyeshadow and mascara to my eyes.

I got to the offices of Powerhouse Records at 11:50. I was a bundle of nerves. "Hi, I'm Victorie Rich," I said to the receptionist. "I have an appointment with Mr. Schaffer."
"I'll let him know you're here," she said with a smile. "You can have a seat right over there."
This could be it. Omg! Ok Victorie girl calm down, get it together. I thought as I reached into my bag for a mint.
"She's right over there sir," I heard the receptionist say.
When I looked up, it was Mr. Dan from the festival.
"Victorie," he smiled. "It's nice to see you again."
"Hi Mr. Dan," I smiled. "It's nice to see you again too."
"I was just about to head out for some lunch. Would you like to join me? My treat," he asked.
"Sure," I said.
We walked outside to a waiting black Bentley. "I'm driving myself today Alex," he said to the chauffeur. "Hop in Victorie."
As we pulled off, he turned on Beyonce's latest album.
"Don't look at me like that," he laughed. "Old white men know how to groove too. Come on let's partake in a little car karaoke."
"Hold up" came on, and we sang and grooved.

"So tell me about yourself," he said as we sat eating sushi. "All I know is that you're beautiful and very talented."
"Well Mr. Schaffer I'm 20 years old, I have a one year old daughter, and I'm from Compton," I said. "Care to tell me about yourself?"
"I'm Daniel Schaffer. The owner of Powerhouse Records. I'm 60 years old, and I want to sign you to my label," he said. "I feel in love with your voice the day I listened to your mixtape. I wanted to get in contact with you right after our festival, but I knew you'd just lost your best friend." He reached inside his blazer and pulled out some papers.
"I'd like to offer you a contract for six albums and an advance of half a million," he said. "I believe that you are a musical gem that needs to be shared with the world."
"Wow," I said. "I..."
"Take these papers, and have a lawyer look over them," he said. "That way you'll be assured that it's legit, and make your decision. No rush."

As soon as I was back in car, I scrolled through my contacts until I found Armad's number. "Armad this is Victorie," I said once he picked up. "Are you busy at the moment?"
"No nothing's wrong. I just need you to look over something for me."

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