Chapter 4

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I swear the night went by in like two seconds. I was still a little tired when I woke up, and it was my turn to open and close. That meant a twelve hour shift, but it was worth the money that it payed. It was a hot spot. It was a discount store that sold the latest fashions, so it was very popular with the hood rats. That was one of the cons if you ask me. I've had to check a few bitches, but other than that, it's cool. Thankfully we weren't required to wear a uniform, just dress fashionable. Because I had a date with Jaison later, I decided to put on a pretty ethnic print maxi dress that was fitted showing off my curves. I decided to style my locs in a half up style. I loved my moles and freckles, so I didn't really wear makeup, only mascara, eye shadow, and lip gloss. On my feet, I kept it comfortable with a pair of black sandals. I grabbed my backpack purse and went into the living room to wait for Jaison.
"Miss thang, you look cute... different," my mama observed.
"Thanks ma," I replied. "I close tonight, but I'm going out with a friend when I get off. I'll have some money for you when I get off."
"That's fine," she said. "I want you to have a life outside of work and the baby. You're young; you need to enjoy yourself sometimes. You work hard plus you help me with Joy and the bills around here. I don't know what I'd do without that you because these social security checks that we draw from Joy's daddy isn't much. I realize that I've been greedy, so I won't charge you anymore to keep the baby."
"What brought on this sudden change ma?" I asked.
"Well I saw how happy you were last night. I hardly ever see you smile like that other than when you're playing with Zuri," she responded. "Honestly, after you found out you were pregnant, I was so angry at you. I wanted to teach you a lesson on responsibility and adulthood, so I wasn't really involved with the process of your pregnancy. That was your child and that was your responsibility all on your own. I didn't take into consideration that it was already all on you because the father is good for nothing." By now she was crying.
"Aww ma, it's ok," I said. "You don't have to explain."
"No let me finish," she said. "I was 19 when I had you, and my mother treated me the same way I treated you. She acted like we were a business deal instead of family. Sometimes I'd have to pay her my whole paycheck just to watch you if I wanted to do something. We wouldn't have made it if it wasn't for welfare. I was becoming like her, and I never wanna be like that."
"Ma you're nothing like that," I stated. "Stop crying girl. You're gonna make me cry. I'm too tough for that, and I don't have enough time to redo my makeup."
And right on time, Jaison blew his horn.
"My friend's taking me to work. Tell Joy she can get my car for today," I told her. "Do me a favor and please give the girl a little freedom since we're making changes. You don't want her to be secretive like I was."
"Ok baby," she agreed. " Love you; have a good day."

When I sat down in Jaison's car he was smiling from ear to ear.
"Hey Jaison," I spoke. "Don't you think it's a lil too early to be showing all your 32s?" I couldn't resist the urge to mess with him.
"Sorry," he said. " I guess I got caught up thinking about them juicy ass lips of yours."
This caused me to blush.
"You looking and smelling good," he continued. "I've never seen you in a dress. Let me find out it's because you going out with a nigga later."
"Please don't flatter yourself," I remarked. "It's because I like to outshine the hood rats that love to hate me at my job."
"Yeah... If that's the lie you wanna tell yourself..." he laughed.
"I'd appreciate it if you'd keep your eyes on the road instead of on my titties," I said while rolling my eyes.
"My bad," Jaison said. He then turned on the radio.
"Yo!! Caller what's your name and what song would you like to hear on your morning commute?!" DJ Fizzle from Fire 107 said enthusiastically.
"My name is Quita, and I wanna hear that song by Jaison and that Vee chick," the caller said.
"You got it babe! Now tell everybody what's your favorite radio station..." the DJ said.
"Fire 107 hoe!" Quita shouted.
When our song played Jaison and I sang along and danced like we were in a music video until it ended.
"Our song has been getting a lot of play even though it just premiered," he said. "This one is gone be big for us Victorie. You know some big names come through the radio stations. Promoting their own projects or looking for new talent. I'm sure we'll get noticed."
"Well if you believe it, then I believe it," I smiled. "I gotta get inside and get ready to open. I'll see you later. 8 o'clock sharp, matter of fact 7:58 nigga!" I opened the door and stepped out.
"Before you go, I just gotta tell you that ass is looking scrumptious in that dress," he said. "Have a good day baby." Then he rolled up the window and pulled off before I could respond.

I entered the store and locked the door behind me. First I had to check the security cameras and make sure they were working because, cheap as our products are, somebody was always trying to steal. Then I had to make sure everything was restocked and in place. After I had everything in order, I sat and waited for my coworker Ari. At 11 on the dot, she walked in smiling. "Thank God it's you superstar!!" Ari breathed a sigh of relief. "I thought I had to work with that bitch Mrs. Ora this morning. Her husband must not be giving her no dick because that old hag is mean, and she don't know shit about fashion. How she even get a job here?"
I laughed. "Gina is her niece; that's how. She's not that bad Ari. She's just older and set in her ways," I said.
"She's still too old to be working here. She's 60 something. What is she gonna do besides run to the back when things pop off in here?" Ari said rolling her eyes. "District manager or not, Gina knows better than hiring her."
I gotta admit that Ari is right. Mrs. Ora would snap and fuss at her fellow co-workers all day but wouldn't dare call out a theif. Thankfully for us, we were free of her for the day.
"So what'd you do on your day off yesterday? I hope you didn't just sit in the house all day." Ari stated.
I smiled thinking about yesterday. "Well I went to Jaison's birthday party yesterday, and our song finally got some radio play."
"Fine ass Jaison.... Girl I could just eat him up. Nice lil caramel delight that I would've sampled in that studio if I were you, but congratulations. I've been stuck here so I haven't heard it, but I'll definitely be listening for it." Ari grinned. "You know you guys would make a cute couple right? Give me the deets on him since a graveyard is busier than this store today. Is he single, taken, baby mama?"
"I don't know that man's business like that," I laughed. No way was I gonna tell her Jaison's business.
"Well I'mma shoot my shot next time I see his fine ass," Ari said.
I just laughed because Ari was a clown.

Our day passed by pretty quickly even though it was the end of the month crawl, so it was 8 o'clock before I knew it. "I didn't see your car. Do you need a ride home?" Ari asked me as we got ready to walk outside.
"Oh no thank you," I said. "My ride home should be outside."
Soon as we walked out, I spotted Jaison parked in the closest spot to the store.
"Isn't that Jaison?" Ari said.
"Yeah, that's my ride," I answered.
"Well I hope you go for two rides tonight," she said and winked.
"Not happening," I remarked. "I'll see you later."

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