Chapter 9

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I could've cried when my alarm went off at 7:15 a.m. To make matters worse, my cycle had started, so I had to hop in the shower which would throw me a little behind. I was so exhausted, and today would be another one of those 12 hour days. I was working with Mrs. Ora until Ari came in at 12. I threw on a pair of skinnies, a cute blouse, and some gladiators. I styled my hair in a messy bun, and I was out the door by 7:40. The store was only 20 minutes away, so I would still make it on time, just right on the dot.

"Shit!" I cursed when halfway there my gaslight came on. I pulled into a nearby gas station, and it seemed like everybody must've been out of gas. Every pump was occupied. I pulled behind this white girl at pump two. After she finished pumping her gas, a little boy who had to be about three opened the door and hopped out the car. "Get back inside Casey!" she yelled.
"No!!" he sassed as he took off running around the car.
"Casey come on!" she hollered. "We're gonna be late."
"No!!" he screamed. She stood there for a minute frustrated like she didn't know what to do. I looked at my clock, and it read 7:50. Shit!!
I rolled down my window. "Casey get in the car before I get out of mine and beat your ass!!" I hollered startling Casey and his mother. I've never seen people move so fast getting in a car.

I pulled up to the pump and headed inside to pay for my gas. Since I was already gonna be late anyway, I decided to grab a cup of coffee and a croissant. The clerk was a stud named Charmaine that I used to go to school with. "Oohwee Victorie! You looking good," Charmaine said licking her lips.
"Twenty on pump two," I said refusing to entertain her.
"You should give me your number, and let me take you out," she kept talking while taking my money. She then proceeded to try to hold on to my hand.
"Bitch, I will knock your ass out," I said snatching my hand back. "I'm not interested in women, and if I was, it wouldn't be your ugly ass." I then headed to pump my gas.

It was about 8:10 when I walked in the store. "You're late," Mrs. Ora stated the obvious.
"I know that Mrs. Ora," I said. "Something came up."
"Well put that coffee down and get started," she said. "You still gotta check the cameras and restock the floor."
"Mrs. Ora you been here since before 8 I'm sure," I said. "You didn't check the cameras or start restocking the floor?"
"Since 7:45," she said twisting her mouth. "And no I didn't because that's your job."
"Mrs. Ora your job is the same as everyone else's that works here," I told her.
"My job is to watch y'all and make sure y'all do what y'all supposed to do," she said rolling her neck.
"I believe that's a position that you appointed to yourself," I said. " I don't need you or nobody else watching me. Watch yourself before you end up on your ass."
"Don't come up in here thinking and acting like you something because you got a lil song on the radio," Mrs. Ora continued. "I'm gonna tell my niece about your attitude when she comes by here today."
"I don't give a damn Mrs. Ora," I said walking to the back. "Just stay your old ass out my way."

Ari came in at 12 along with Gina and two new girls. "Ok everybody let's lock up the store for a few minutes and have a quick meeting," Gina said. We all made our way to the break room. "I've decided to make a few changes around here. I've hired two new girls, Asia and Monica, since we're short staffed around here. That way Ari and Victorie don't have to work so many long hours. I'm appointing Mrs. Ora as manager. She'll be opening everyday from now on, so if you have a key to the store and safe I need it returned before I leave," Gina stated. "I also want Mrs. Ora on the floor along with someone else when it's busy in here to watch for thieves. I also want two of you to run the registers. It's now enough of you to have both registers open at all times. Lastly I wanna say good job to all of you, and that I appreciate you. Any questions?"
"Gina, I need to speak with you in private," Mrs. Ora said.
"Ok," Gina said. " Victorie and Aria go show the other girls around."
As we walked out Ari whispered, "I wonder which one of us she snitching on now."
"Me," I said. "We had a few words when I came in this morning."
Ari just laughed.
"Come on girls," she said to Asia and Monica. "Let me show you around."

I was in the middle of putting some tee shirts back on the proper rack when Gina asked to speak to me outside. "What's up?" I asked her.
"Well my auntie told me that y'all had words this morning," Gina said. "Now I know how she is, but please be respectful. Try to get along with her because she is in charge of this store now."
"I'll try my best," I said. "But she gotta give it to get it."
"That's all I ask," she said. " I know you been here since eight something, so go take your lunch break. I'll see you next week."

I walked to the pizza parlor next door, and ordered a supreme personal pizza and a coke. As I was eating my phone buzzed. It was text from Jaison.
Jaison: Festival is on the 10th of next month. We get one rack each. I need you to take off work the 6th-10th. Rehearsal is tomorrow at 8 when you get off. I'm picking you up.
Me: hello to you too! I'll be ready tomorrow. Why the 6th-10th if the show is on the 10th?
Jaison: because I wanna take a mini vacation with my friend. Plus you owe me for kicking me out your house. Is that a problem?
Me: no it's cool if you treating
I put my phone back on the table. Days alone with Jaison had me nervous. I didn't know what to expect. I would just have to see how it went.

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