Chapter 28

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"You gone hibernate all day?" Jaison asked shaking me awake.
"What time is it?" I asked looking around confused as Zuri crawled all on top of me.
"It's 11:30," he answered. "Me and the baby been up before nine."
"Why you didn't wake me up?" I asked.
"Because we was enjoying the peace and quiet without your crazy ass," he said.
"You dressed her?" I asked noticing that she had on a little yellow sundress with a lil yellow headwrap to match.
"Yeah," he smiled. "She cute huh? I dress her better than you."
"She cute, but I wouldn't go that far," I laughed getting up. Zuri and Jaison followed me to the bathroom.
"Don't take too long in here," he said. "And put these on." He handed me a pair of jeans and a pretty blouse that he bought for me yesterday.
"You being mighty bossy this morning," I said.
"I'm not trying to be, but Auntie J wants us to come over for lunch since Auntie Irma, Auntie Martha, and the girls are there," he said. "Then we gotta go to the funeral home, so you can do CeCe's hair and makeup. Then they want me to pick up David and Nicholas crazy ass from the airport tonight."
"Busy day," I said. "I understand."
I quickly did my morning routine, and we were out the door.

"Auntie Martha and Auntie Irma, this is my girlfriend Victorie and her daughter Zuri," Jaison introduced me to his aunties first.
"Nice to meet you," I said extending my hand.
"Chile we southern people," his Auntie Irma said. "We give hugs." They each pulled me in and squeezed me tight.
"Y'all are so pretty," his Auntie Martha complimented us. "I see why Jay chose you."
"Thank you ma'am," I smiled.
"Victorie was also CeCe's best friend," Mama J informed me.
"Oh that's the one you was talking about," the aunties smiled.
Suddenly three loud mouth girls came barging in.
"What's up cousin?!" one of them greeted Jaison with a New Orleans accent. "I ain't seen you in coon days!"
"What up April?!" he laughed. "You still crazy as hell."
"Say Lil Jay!" one who was a stud said. "Who this here? Maw know she bad!"
"Aye that's my girl," Jaison said. "Sharonda don't be looking at her. I'll knock your ass out!"
"Hey Jaison!" the calmer out of the bunch said. "I'm Tisha," she turned to me.
"Hey y'all," I greeted. "I'm Victorie, and this is Zuri."
"These fools are April and Sharonda," she introduced the other girls.
"I like that name Victorie," Sharonda grinned at me. "Cause with a woman like you, Jaison sholl is a winner."
"Bitch you lame as fuck," April laughed.
"Watch y'all's got damn mouth before I slap you in it," Miss Martha said.
"Yes ma'am," April and Sharonda said.
"Told you they was crazy," Jaison whispered.
Shortly after we sat down and enjoyed  collard greens, cornbread, macaroni, fried chicken, and cake. I actually enjoyed being around the crazy people, and we agreed to link up that night. "I gotta get to the funeral home," I said to Mama J while getting up. "You want me to send you pictures of her hair and makeup to see if you like it?"
"Oh no," Mama J said. "I know you'll make her beautiful."

I took Zuri home, and went to style CeCe. "I'm bout to make you look good  for your big day girl," I talked to her like I used to. "The dress that I got for you is gorgeous too girl."
"First let's tackle these curls," I said. "Your hair is already so pretty, so we just gone make it pop." I used a spray bottle to add a little bit of warm water and then rubbed some curl pudding through her hair. It was like her naturally curly long mane sprang to life. Her jet black hair glistened. "Next we gone slay these brows." I filled in her brows to perfection. Then we moved on to eye makeup. I wanted a nice natural look so I used some soft gold tones. "I met your cousins from New Orleans today, and girl I thought you was crazy..." I laughed moving on to foundation, concealer, powder, and a little highlight. "Now this is a beat," I said stepping back to look at my work. "You lucky I can't charge you." I then placed a gold floral jeweled head piece on her. "You look so beautiful CeCe."
"Great job," one of the morticians said walking into the room. "She's even more beautiful now."
"Thanks," I said. "I gotta make sure I send my best friend off right. Here's her dress and undergarments."
"You're a good friend," the woman said. "Not many people participate in the preparations like this."
"Yeah," I said. "I feel like I wasn't there when she needed me the most, so this is the least I can do."
"There's only so much we can do," she said. "Sometimes God takes people so He can heal them whether it's physically or emotionally. Your friend received the healing that you nor her family could give. When you began to understand this, you'll feel much better. I lost a son to suicide, so trust me I know."

Jaison was waiting for me outside. "You good?" he asked me.
"Yeah," I answered still thinking about  what the mortician told me. I locked those words of wisdom inside my mind and heart.

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