Chapter 24

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The next day we accompanied Mama J to the funeral home. I felt like I was having an out of body experience, like seeing myself in a dream.
"I appreciate y'all for coming here with me," Mama J said kissing Jaison and I on the cheek. "Y'all were a big part of CeCe's life, so I'd like for you to help with making the arrangements."
"Sure," Jaison said. "Whatever you want us to do, just let us know."
We each held her hand as we walked into the building.

"Hi, welcome to Kingdom Funeral Home," the secretary greeted us. "How may I help you?"
"I'm Ms. Joann Wright, and I'm here to make arrangements for my daughter Cierra Wright," Mama J said.
"Let me call Mr. Johnson, and he'll be right with you," she said picking up the phone.
Three minutes later, the owner walked in.
"Hi Ms. J," he greeted. "You have my deepest sympathy. I'm so sorry you have to come back here again. Let's go to my office."
We followed him to his office.
"First we'll select a date for the service, and then we'll go from there," he said once we were all seated. "What date would be good for you and your family?"
He then handed Mama J a calendar.
"Saturday would be fine," she answered. "That will give our folks from Louisiana time to make it here."
"Ok Saturday," Mr. Johnson said taking notes. "I already have another funeral for 11, so will two o'clock be good? It'll give us time to set everything up.
"Two is fine," Mama J said.
"Where would you like the services to take place?" he asked.
"Here is fine," she answered.
He jotted it down on his notepad.
"Ok, now we can move on to picking out the casket and floral arrangements," he continued getting up from his seat. "But first would you like to see her?"
"Yes I'd really like to see my baby," Mama J said.
"Well follow me right this way," he said.
"Mama J I can't," I said.
"I understand baby," she said. "I'll just be a minute." She then followed Mr. Johnson to another part of the funeral home.

Jaison and I walked back into the lobby.
"Jaison I feel like the walls are closing in on me in here," I said sitting down. "This is too much. I can't do this."
"I know it's hard baby," Jaison said wrapping his arms around me. "But look, this is the last thing you'll be doing for CeCe."
"I know Jaison," I said. "I just need a minute."
"Go get some fresh air, and I'll come get you when they come back," he told me.

"Damn it CeCe," I said crying. "Why you do this to me?"
"Ok Victorie you can do this for CeCe," I said wiping my tears. "Just take a deep breath and pull it together."
"See CeCe, your ass got me outside a damn funeral home talking to myself," I then laughed. "Always doing something to drive me crazy. When I make it up there where you at, I'mma let ya ass have it."
"Damn," Jaison laughed from behind me. "The girl not even here physically, and still got you fussing at her."
"Yeah," I laughed. "That's CeCe."
"You ready to go back inside?" he asked. "They ready to pick out the casket."
"Yes I'm ready," I said. "I can do this."
"I know you can," he said kissing me on the forehead.

"Mama J why you smiling?" I asked her as I approached her and the funeral director.
"My baby is so beautiful," she said. "She looks so good, so peaceful. I haven't seen her look so peaceful and content since we buried her brother. Looks like she's just sleeping. My baby is finally happy and at peace."
"Sometimes seeing the body helps with the process," Mr. Johnson said. "The dead are better off than the living. No more suffering, no more sorrow. You sure you guys don't wanna see her?"
"Sure," I said. "I'd like to see her."
"You sure?" Jaison asked.
"Yes I'm sure," I said. "I need to see my girl. I miss her so much."
"I'll go with you," Jaison said.
"Right this way," Mr. Johnson said.

We all followed him into this cold room.
CeCe was laid on this metal table with a sheet pulled up to her shoulders. Her caramel skin was flawless, and her curly jet black hair was free and flowing. If you didn't know any better, you'd think she was sleeping. She looked so angelic.
"CeCe you're so beautiful girl," I whispered bending down to kiss her forehead as I caressed her curls. A few tears spilled from my eyes.
"You ok?" Jaison asked coming to stand beside me.
"Yes I'm good," I said still staring at her.
"She's beautiful huh?" he said.
"Very," I said.
"I told you," Mama J said. "You feel a lil better?"
"Yes ma'am," I answered.
"I want you to style her hair, do her make up," she said. "I know she'd like that."
"I'd love to," I said.
"Ok let's move on to the caskets," Mr. Johnson said.

"What about this one?" he asked pointing to a rose gold casket.
"Nah," Mama J said. "I want something different that I know my CeCe would love. What else you got?"
"What was your daughter's favorite color?" Mr. Johnson said.
"The gal's wardrobe was just as colorful as her personality," she said. "I'm not sure she had a favorite."
"Mama J what you think about this one?" I asked looking at a white iridescent casket. It was many different colors depending on how the light hit it.
"Now this is beautiful," she smiled. "This is perfect. This is the one."
"Ok," Mr. Johnson said sticking a label with CeCe's name on it. "On to flowers."

"Here's our catalog of floral arrangements," he said as we took a seat in his office.
"These could be an option," Mama J said showing us a picture of peach and white colored roses. "What you think Jaison?"
"Man Auntie I don't know nothing about flowers and pink hues," he said. "All these decisions are y'all's. I'm just here for support."
"These are pretty," Mama J and I said at the same time pointing to the same photo. We ended up picking an arrangement of white and blush hues with white hydrangea, blush Roses, Spray Roses, Ranunculus, Roses and white freesia.
"Now all you guys have to do is pick out some clothes for Cierra," Mr. Johnson let us know. "She'll need new undergarments too.
"Well I'm leaving that to Torie and Jaison," Mama J said. "I'm an old lady, and I don't know nothing about fashion. My CeCe liable to get up and walk out of here if I pick out her clothes." We all laughed.
"Ms. Joann I must commend y'all. Y'all are some of the strongest individuals that have come through here, and I see a lot of folks. I admire y'all for that," Mr. Johnson said.
"That's because we know that everything that happens is God's will," Mama J said. "But thank you."
We left the funeral home in better spirits than before we came.

"I appreciate y'all so much," Mama J said. "This means so much to me. You'll never know how much."
"We appreciate you for letting us help you," I said. "And we do know because it means just as much to us. We love you Mama J." I then kissed her and hugged her tight.
"Auntie J you know I got you long as we're both here," Jaison said kissing her cheek. "I'll swing through later to check on you. Make sure you take care of yourself, you hear me?"
"Aww boy," she laughed. "Get out my house, and go spend some time with your woman."

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