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Death. That was what surrounded her. In the broken city of New York. Bright green lights flashed around her like lightning bolts, hitting running people who were trying to flee the city. Young children could be heard screaming as their parents pulled them along, dodging the lights and loud BANGS caused by the explosions. It was madness. It was tragedy. It was the year 1941.

Many people looked to the skies for sights of aeroplanes dropping the bombs. This was World War 2 after all, wasn't it? But no! 

A 16 year old girl walked through the wreck of the city and through the cries of pain and help to reach the source of the blinding green lights and the cause of explosions causing the city to crumble. She was not afraid, just sad. Whilst stepping through the trail of blood leaking from the devils victims, the young girl stopped in her tracks as a man ran towards her. He was young, about in his 20's; staring through this girl as though he couldn't see her. He was stopped by an injured, middle aged woman lying on the floor in the pile of the dead.

The lady had managed to reach out and grab his ankle as he ran past, causing him to almost trip over. Though the young girl watching could see that he wanted to help, to save these people from their unfortunate death, she watched as he gave the dying woman a helpless look as she mouthed to him "Help me please!" The man shook off her firm grip from his ankle and ran into the 16 year old girl who stood as though untouched and he carried on. The girl walked slowly over to the woman who's pale face now stared at the sky still whispering "Help me" though no one around her would hear. The girl touched her hand, tears in her eyes and said the words, "I'm so sorry!" She then waited and watched as the woman took her last breath and was taken from this cruel world.

As she stood up she heard his voice, the evil voice laughing as he struck all these harmless people dead and why did he kill these people? What was his purpose for doing such an unforgivable thing, the girl wondered. The answer was simply because he was evil, a person who loved power and who lacked any form of love or compassion. Someone barely human. She watched him with his bright as lightening hair and his unusual eyes; one dark and one light, almost ghost-like and that look of glee, happiness and excitement as he killed all these harmless people who never did anything to him. They never knew him, not even his name. It was sickening, the girl thought. Whilst everyone around her were screaming and running in all directions, the young girl stood still as she stared at this man. They couldn't see her, but she sure could see them. Her facial expressions not matching the others around her. It wasn't fear she felt, it was disgust. How could he be related to her? Then as if she had never been there, she vanished.

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