Chapter 26

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Lavana had walked out the house. She knew that she shouldn't be out on her own this late; there was a psychopath after her but she still left. Lavana stormed away from the boys leaving them to watch her walk away.

As she left, she heard Jax's voice call out to her but she didn't answer. She didn't care. She was fed up of them. Of all of them. They weren't listening. They weren't getting along and they were all ganging up on her. She just had to get away and clear her head.

So she walked away. Lavana had taken a deep breath, held her head high and made her way along the path, walking like she was on a mission. She was fed up of everyone. She wasn't perfect in anyone's eyes and why should she try? Nobody cared about what she wanted. If they didn't want to listen to her reasoning's then she wasn't going to listen to them.

As she walked, she replayed what had just happened. She had just ended it with Gabe. Part of her felt horrible about it but mostly, she didn't care. Good riddance, she thought. He broke my heart before, I can do the same too. She was so done with him. With both of them.

Lavana continued to walk, ignoring the people walking down the same street. She didn't want to hear what they had to say or what they had to think, their opinions were not wanted. She didn't need to hear the strangers think about what her life may be like. For them to think that a pretty girl like her was probably too stupid to live in this world, that she would never be more than a pretty face.

A boy around her age was walking towards her. He was tanned and had sandy, coloured wavy hair. Judging from the surfboard he carried in his arms, he had just come from the beach. As he came closer to her, Lavana held her breath, hoping that he would just walk past and that he wouldn't say anything.

"Keep going." She repeated under her breath but of course nothing ever happened like she wanted it to.

"Hey, you look like you could use a drink too?" He said, flashing his pearly white teeth at her. She stared at him, turning her nose up.

"Nope. I don't have time for that." She told him, walking away but he started to follow her.

"Your accents cute."

"Cool." She didn't know how blunt she had to be but clearly it wasn't working as he still followed her.

"Well then, where are you headed?"

"The sea. I'm going to drown my sorrows." She told him sarcastically, continuing to walk away from him.

"Funny. Well I've just come from there-"

"So you'll be heading off to get your drink. Bye then." She left him standing alone as she made her way onto the sandy beach. "Idiots." She said to herself.

It was dusk but there were still a few people sat on the beach, watching the sun set. Mainly couples. Urgh, Lavana thought. Why can't I just be alone?

She made her way further down to the beach until she was alone, no other person in sight, not even any Aurors. She was going to be in so much trouble.

"Alright, you lot. I'm here. I'm not sure what to do to get your attention except shout like the crazy person I am." Lavana eyes wandered around, looking at the sea for any sign of movement. "Hello! Sirens! You wanted me last summer. I'm here."

"You do not need to shout for our attention. Simply ask." A calming voice called to her softly. Lavana looked around but could not see anyone.

"Okay, fine. Please could you talk to me?"

Nothing happened at first but then a splash in the water, showing a large fin appeared in the sea a few feet away, then a head appeared showing a young looking girl that seemed to look in her 20s with fine features and long black hair that fell into the sea as her head submerged in the water. She was like perfect painting with her sweet smile, inviting Lavana to come closer. 

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