Chapter 20

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The ride back to Hogwarts had been more eventful than Lavana thought it would be. Whilst looking for a compartment or even for her friends, she quickly realised that she was being followed by two men dressed in black. 

"Right who are you guys and why are you following me?" She asked sounding more harsh than she had meant to.

"We are here to protect you on your way back to school." A voice had called from behind them. The two men moved aside to show Tauris beaming back at her. 

"So I need three Aurors to look after me now?" She said back to him, teasingly. "So much for not letting everyone know about this situation."

"Actually there's 10 of us and we are all spread out across the train. These guys just wanted to make sure that you found a safe compartment."

"Brilliant." She muttered under her breath and sat herself down in a empty compartment. A few seconds after sitting down, the door slid open again.  

"I like the new guards you've got. I hope they will be with us all the time." Lewis said as he joined Lavana in the compartment.

"I hope not. I can't have them stuck to my side the whole time. I have stuff to do this year and I don't need them snitching on me." Lewis continued to laugh as they were greeted by the door sliding open again, this time with Jaxson walking in.

"I'm going to guess that you're laughing at those bodyguards that Lavana has now got. Seriously Lav, you won't be able to breathe with them lot surrounding you."

"Are they actually all near here? Tauris told me they would be scattered along the train." She groaned.

"Nah they are but as soon as I saw them, I figured they were here just for you." Jaxson replied, winking at her as he sat himself down across for her. Lavana gently kicked him for his cheek as the door slid open once more to reveal Daya and Juliet holding back their laughter. Before Daya could even open her mouth, Lavana spoke.

"Yes I know it's so funny. So many bodyguards." They all laughed together, realising that this was the first train ride together in a long time.

"So what's the plan for this year? More pranks I hope!" Lewis said poking breadcrumbs through the cage of his large tawny owl.

"Well first off, Jax, did you find anything about Sirens?" Lavana asked and the twins sat up in their seat, looking hopeful. 

"Actually I found more than I thought I would. The man in the shop looked very concerned when I asked but he pointed me to lots of different books. I chose one called 'The Voices Of The Seas' that looks like it tells you everything about Sirens so here's your late birthday present."

"Thank you so much!" Juliet said, taking the satin blue covered book from Jaxson and taking her trunk down from the overhead luggage rack. "It's not been easy over the holidays. Dad barely acknowledged us and if he did he would start telling us about how we would soon meet our Mum, that she would come back into our lives and set us free, whatever that means."

"I think that was supposed to be our birthday present this year." Daya affirmed. "We were just glad when your owls showed up with cards and presents. They were a good distraction so thanks."

Although she didn't understand what was meant by their Mum setting them both free, Lavana knew it wasn't anything good. 

"Right then we need to find out how to help him and we need to do it straight away."

"And what are we doing about Gabriel?" Lewis asked, frowning as if he thought Lavana had forgotten all about him.

Lavana watched them all staring at her waiting for her decision but what was her plan? 

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