Chapter 1

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Lavana stood in a small book shop staring at a book titled 'Dark theories you missed in the 20's- 50's'. As she turned the pages of the book she saw many pictures of explosions and broken buildings.

"Interesting, that book!" A gruff voice had spoken behind her and as she turned she saw the middle aged man who worked in the book shop. She smiled at him sweetly.

"Well actually l I think it's a load of rubbish!" She spoke in her British accent and she continued to smile at him. 

"And what makes you say that?" He asked her.

"It's just not facts really. How can I believe in something with no proof, just theories?" 

"Then what intrigued you about the book?" He asked, staring at the strange girl.

"Just a memory of something similar I saw a few months ago. All rubbish." The man shrugged his shoulders and walked away looking confused and disappointed by her lack of belief in conspiracies. When she turned back to look at the book it had vanished. Instead she noticed a boy aged 19 leaning against the wall of the shop holding the book smiling almost mockingly as he looked at the pictures.

"A load of rubbish eh? I think this looks like history to me!" He laughed, waving the book in her face, taunting her. 

"Yeah well that's history that shouldn't be on the shelves of a muggle bookshop" Lavana spoke through gritted teeth, refusing to try and grab the book that he was waving at her. She knew his games all too well. "Now put it down before someone sees a strange boy with bright blue hair laughing at a book filled with violence; they'll think you're some sort of psychopath!" She scowled at him. The blue haired boy now looked annoyed that she would accuse him of such a thing and he put down the book in a hurry as the girl rolled her eyes at him.

"I'm not the one getting everyone's attention here, Lav." He replied half annoyed, half amused. As they walked out the shop together, they faced forwards, ignoring all the stares they were receiving from in the shop.

Lavana was very used to all the stares having being a beautiful girl but also because of her bright, pink hair which she had tied messily into a top knot. She had the perfect height (not too tall and not too small), crystal blue eyes and her skin was clear. It was all a bit too perfect but would you choose to change your appearance if you could? For Lavana was known in her world as a Metamorphmagus as was her friend Teddy.

Teddy and Lavana both had magical abilities. Lavana, a witch and Teddy, a wizard were from the wizarding world and Lavana attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Teddy being 3 years older had already graduated from the school and had just applied for his training as an Auror (Dark Wizard catcher). Yes, of course there were bad Wizards too. And it just so happened that Lavana was related to one of them. 

She smiled as they both left the shop knowing that they would not be forgotten by anyone they had seen today. They both did like to make an impression! That was one of the reasons they had connected. Lavana and Teddy were best friends and had been ever since, Lavana's first year at Hogwarts. They continued to walk until they reached an alley past a few buildings which was very quiet and seemed that no one would come through.

"Right we be better get back to LA then, I think we've done enough in New York for today" 

"Yeah let's go, only make sure you concentrate Teddy, I'm not in the mood to deal with getting splinched. I can't wait until I can disapparate, it'll be so much easier and less dangerous!" She joked as she looked over at Teddy who laughed.

"Right but as you've still got to pass the test, I suggest you take my arm or I'm just going to leave you here". Until you were 17 years old and had taken the test, witches and wizards were strictly told not to do magic outside of school so Lavana grabbed hold of his arm and together they disappeared before anyone appeared down the alley.

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