Chapter 24

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Hogwarts had started to get a lot crazier and everyone was glad to see the Easter Holidays coming around. The repercussions of the prank had drawn everyone into a frenzy. It seemed that no one knew how Jessica's room had gotten into such a state and it quickly became the talk of the school over the next few weeks. Everyone wanted to know who would be attacked next.

"We should've continued it." Lewis said one sunny morning. He was joined by Lavana, Jaxson and Gabriel who all sat on rocks by the Black Lake.

"What do you mean?" Lavana asked, looking up from her book.

"The stink prank. It was simple but had a huge effect. We should've got more people. I know plenty of people we could've done."

"What? Carmen's ex?" Gabriel joked but Lewis looked at him scowling.

"Yes, he would've made the list. As would Antony and Malcolm for that Frisbee prank."

"Well I'm just surprised that Jess hasn't got us back for that." Lavana said.

"So you think she knows it was us?" Jaxson looked at her, surprised.

"Of course. No one else would dare do something like that to her."

"Good point!"

Ever since Gabriel had been freed from the spell, Lavana found that her friendship group had become a lot closer. She felt that she could trust them and knew that they would always have her back and she would have theirs but she felt bad knowing that she was keeping secrets from them. Especially Gabriel who she usually told everything to. She still hadn't told him that she thought that Jessica may be planning something big for the both of them. She also hadn't mentioned about her time travel power. He knew of the other ones as did Lewis and Jaxson. Gabe also knew that she had time travelled once when she had found the book in the Library but he didn't know that she had finally learnt how to control it or that she was trying to track down her Uncle.

Lavana had come up with the idea to go back to the date of the Hogsmede trip in October when Juliet and Daya had met the man who had asked for her, who her Uncle then murdered on the edge of the Forbidden Forest before she chased after him. She knew that Hogsmede was the place where he was last known to be. She wasn't sure whether the Ministry had searched the grounds for him thoroughly but if they had, they clearly hadn't found anything of use although she knew better than to put her faith in them. Hogsmede was the only lead that she could go on to search for Alistair.

Every night, when she knew that her roommates were fast asleep, Lavana would sit on her bed and time travel back to October last year in Hogsmede. She managed to get there fine and would start to make her way up the snow-covered path, remembering that Daya and Juliet had met the man asking for her near the end of the village which was a 20 minute walk. Unfortunately, this mission was proving a lot more difficult than she had anticipated.

To travel around used up a lot of energy and Lavana could only get a little bit further each time before the beautiful, snow white village turned pitch black and she would open her eyes to find herself back in her dormitory. When she would arrive back to the present, Lavana would feel out of breath, as if she had just finished a marathon and was always too exhausted to try again but she would always try again the next night, determined to get further along the path to find her Uncle.

It was the beginning of March when Lavana was finally able to reach the top of the village where she saw Daya and Juliet getting stopped by the same man that Lavana had watched die. She felt a pang of guilt overcome her as she realised that he wasn't trying to hurt her friends, he just wanted his family back and Lavana had not managed to help him find them.

Daya and Juliet shook off the man and Lavana watched as they ran back into the village, assuming that they then found a teacher. Instead of following her friends, she followed the man as he travelled in the deep snow. She had no idea where he was going especially when he went off the tracks and was heading in the completely wrong direction of the village. Then it went black and she felt herself resurfacing back in her bed.

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