Chapter 23

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Gabriel was officially back to his usual fun, charming self and everyone knew it. He was no longer moping around after Jess. It was like nothing had happened to him. Instead, he was back to having girls gawking at him as he strutted the halls smiling and winking at them all which made them all fluster. As far as they were concerned, Gabe was back on the market. He wasn't with anyone so maybe they would have a chance but it wasn't long before they realised that Gabriel only had eyes for one girl.

Over the next month, Lavana would often find herself alone with Gabe. He would tell her that Lewis and Jaxson were busy in the Library and maybe they were but she couldn't help feel that there was more to it. Especially with Lewis and Jax, both smirking at each other whenever Lavana and Gabe were together. It was as if they were back at the start, when they were first together. Just spending time with Gabe was not something Lavana had expected to happen but going on little walks around the grounds or them eating together at lunch without the usual company of Jaxson and Lewis, even just sitting together talking was making her realise that what they had before was not over. She tried hard to not feel anything but he was Gabriel so it didn't take long for Lavana to be hooked back in.


"Yes?" She replied not looking up from her book. She was sat on the grass verge by the lake reading with Gabriel standing next to her looking over at the lake. It was a very quiet Saturday morning which Lavana found strange. She knew that lots of students came to the lake to hangout at the weekends especially on a beautiful spring morning like this but today she couldn't see another person in sight. It was just her and Gabriel.

Gabriel joined Lavana where she sat. She could feel his eyes gazing at her as she looked at her book so she finally looked up at him, into his soft, blue eyes.

"What's going on?" She asked him curiously.

"That's what I was going to ask you." 

"Well, I'm just trying to read my book. I have an essay due next week so I really need to concentrate but it's kinda hard with you staring at me."

"I can't help it. You're just so beautiful." He told her playing with her hair. Lavana looked up at him trying to hide her smile.

"Lavy?" He continued and waited until she nodded before speaking. "I know that things have been hard with everything but-"

"No. I know what you're going to say-"

"-And I know what you're going to say. You've got a lot going on at the moment. You want to concentrate on the exams. You don't want to deal with anymore school drama but Lav you can't ignore what we have." He continued to stare at her as she looked at her book. "Lav? Are you listening?" 

Lavana sighed laying her book down next to her and she slowly lifted her head to look at him. She smiled.

"Well apparently you know me very well."

"Of course I do. And you know me very well. That's why we're perfect together." Gabriel reached out and held onto her hands staring deeply into her eyes.

"We were." She told him, knowing that it was harsh to say that since it hadn't been his fault that they had broken up. Lavana was surprised to see him smiling at her instead. 

"Lav. I love you. You know I do." Lavana couldn't help but blush as he spoke to her. "I know that I will always love you and if you don't feel the same way then I want you to tell me now. I want you to look at me, straight into my eyes and tell me that you don't want to be with me at all."

Lavana looked into his crystal eyes holding on to a straight face for all of 10 seconds before smiling at him.

"Yeah see. I knew it. You can't do it."

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