Chapter 13

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Since Lavana had taken the long route back to the common room, she didn't get to experience the usual first day back chatter that lingered from the feast. By the time she got back, she had to creep into her dormitory, careful to not wake the other girls she shared the room with. However as luck would have it, the four girls were still chatting together although when they noticed her, they immediately fell silent.

"First day back and you're already wandering around at night!" Amelia accused, turning to smirk at her friend Sarah who was in the bed next to her. Lavana rolled her eyes, ignored them and starting going through her bag that was sat waiting for her on her bed.

She had always thought Amelia and Sarah to be quite snobby. They had become best friends as soon as they arrived in their first year. A lot like the friendship Lavana had with Jessica before her third year. Maybe that was why they didn't get along because those girls were just too similar to how she and Jessica once were. They clashed and everything was always a competition to them. That was, until Lavana's friendship broke down. Maybe they felt like they had won and they just liked to relish in that to Lavana. Like she even cared. Now, the two girls trailed after Jess hoping that they could be best friends. Jess didn't like them. Yes, Lavana thought, that's probably why they don't like me. That, with a sprinkle of 'being related to Gellert Grindelwald'.

The other two roommates Aliza and Mariah sat on their beds watching intently as Lavana fumbled through her belongings. Lavana was starting to wish she had organised her bags a bit better as she continued to search for her pyjamas whilst also trying to ignore the annoying whispers being said about her from Sarah and Amelia. She could feel herself starting to lose it and getting frustrated. Every so often, the girls would let out a giggle in between the whispers and Lavana was just about to snap at them but had luckily found what she was looking for and went to get ready in the bathroom.

The girls were still sat on their beds, glaring at her when she walked in. They looked as if they were still waiting for an answer about where she had been. They were always nosy about where she went on her night walks although they never told on her strangely. She forced them a smile and grumpily got into bed.

"Well?" Sarah asked.

"Well what?" Lavana replied, starting to get irritated with the girls.

"What were you doing before you came here?"

"Yeah normally we would leave it because it was obvious but now that Gabriel's mind is elsewhere, it's not like you were with him." Amelia laughed and Lavana could hear from her thoughts that she was proud of what she had just said. Lavana was just about to tease her when Aliza spoke before she had the chance.

"McGonagall called her over at the end of the feast, I saw her. That will be why she was late. Now can you girls please shut up. I'd like to sleep." She gave Lavana a small smile and rolled over in her bed. Aliza never made rude comments and had stuck up for her a few times but that didn't mean to say that they were friends. Aliza was a kind, friendly girl, always civil towards Lavana and would start a friendly chat if she ever looked lonely which Lavana did appreciate. She was just a good person.

Lavana didn't sleep very well that night. Her thoughts kept her up. She felt stressed and confused. It was like all of a sudden she had so much to do but there were also obstacles in her way, trying to stop her.

She needed to do well this year. She was starting her N.E.W.T's (Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Tests) this year and had new subjects to do. Maybe she shouldn't have accepted to do all of the subjects but she wanted to do well in her life. After all, everyone else just expected her to take a dark route to evil just like a long line of Grindelwalds had done. Well, she was going to prove everyone wrong. She was going to succeed and change the family reputation. But how could she do that with her Uncle getting closer to finding her with every breath she took?

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