Chapter 14

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Unfortunately, the rest of the day went very slowly. Lavana, Juliet and Daya could not wait until 6:30PM to discuss with Lewis and Jaxson their plans in getting Gabriel back and in the long run, getting their friend group back together. 

Now that they knew Lewis and Jaxson were on their side, it was hard to ignore them. They wanted nothing more than to talk to them especially when they had lessons together but they couldn't risk it. Not even if Jess wasn't in those lessons. It would be too easy for another student to tell Jess that the boys were even just talking to them. She would have no problem with shunning them from the group. In fact, the girls couldn't work out why Jess had kept them around seeing as how much she hated them but the boys needed to stay in the group. It wouldn't help if they left. Or maybe it would? Gabriel losing his friends from the group could have an effect on him. But it was just another thing they could discuss later as a group.

The girls were certain that they would have stomach aches soon by the speed that they ate their dinner. They just couldn't wait and it seemed neither could the boys. Lavana and the twins watched as Lewis and Jaxson wolfed down their meals at the Gryffindor table, a few seats down from Jess and Gabe. Jaxson, who sat facing the girls nodded once and the boys both said something to their group and left the Great Hall. The girls waited 5 minutes before also leaving the table and made their way to the empty Potions classroom where they once all sat laughing, joking and discussing pranks.

Using the Potions classroom was ideal. It was situated in the dungeons, on the same floor as the Slytherin Common Room (though luckily, it was at the end so students would not be walking past, and will not overhear anything they shouldn't.) It was also only a floor below the Hufflepuff Common room for Lavana's benefit. It was also good seeing as the Gryffindor Common room was nowhere near Potions so it was unlikely for Jessica to come down here at this time. 

When they had first decided to meet in this room in their fourth year, they would sneak in the classroom however one evening they were caught by the Potions Master Professor Reynards who was a middle aged man. Although angry at the time by the six of them in his classroom, he eventually gave them permission just as long as they didn't touch the potions or cauldrons around the room. If he didn't want them in the room for a reason, he would simply leave a note on the door and they would respect his wishes. Even in the past few months of their broken friendship, Lavana would occasionally walk past the classroom at the time and see the usual note of no vacancy. Today, thankfully there was no note and so the girls opened the door and joined Lewis and Jaxson who were both talking to Professor Reynards.

"Ah, ladies!" He said excitedly, clapping his hands together. "I must say this is spectacular. I have been waiting for you to all join together. I trust that there is a special occasion for this reunion." They all smirked, looking from one to another.

"Yeah you could say that." Lavana told him.

"Well, I hope you all have a lovely time, catching up. But where is Mr Avery?" He looked around at them all individually as if Gabe was hiding behind one of them.

"He's not coming today but I'm sure it won't be long until he decides to join us." Lewis said boldly.

"I'll leave you be then. Good Luck!" He strolled out the room, the group listened as the whistling faded away into silence.

"And so it begins." Said Jaxson in a deep voice.

"Wait how long is this going to last?" Daya asked.

"Why got somewhere to be?" Juliet asked raising her eyebrows at her sister.

"No I was just wondering since back in the good old days, we would stay here for hours."

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