Chapter 10

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She decided to go back the next day. Back to the beach. Lavana had heard something yesterday and she wanted to hear it again. But why couldn't anyone else hear it? She stood on the warm sand in the early hours of the morning; not a person in sight. The sun was beginning to rise, it's radiant light reflecting onto the crystal blue water. It truly was a beautiful sight.

The peace and quiet was something that Lavana didn't know she had needed so bad. No one was talking, no one giving her more problems, just her and the soft, crashing waves in front of her. She stepped closer to the sea with a weird feeling. With every step she took, she felt as though something was dragging her away but also felt a force pulling her in. Whatever, she thought. She had come here for one thing and one thing only. The soft soothing sounds she had heard yesterday. The sounds that had brought her here today but this time alone.

As she finally felt her feet reaching the waters edge, she got what she came here for. She heard it. In the distance. It sounded like someone was singing but who? And where was it coming from? She looked around expecting to see a woman close by but the only living things she could find were two seagulls rummaging through someone's abandoned crisp packet. Seriously, she thought angrily, why can't people just bin it? She was so distracted by the seagulls that she hadn't realised that the singing had stopped. She felt the waves thrashing against her legs and again felt that strong force trying to drag her further into the sea but she knew better than to just go out into the sea alone, especially when she felt that the force could be a sign of dark magic. Anyway the singing had stopped now.

She decided to go and pick up the rubbish to avoid one of the seagulls or any other animal being injured by a person's carelessness. As she knelt down to pick up the rubbish (the seagulls flew off from her presence), she felt eyes on her. Someone was watching her! Lavana slowly picked up the packet and then quickly turned around to face the sea. She heard a splash in the water but was only able to catch the water flying in the air and something else. Perhaps it was just a dolphin, she thought nervously, but since when were their tales scaly and sparkly.

It happened all at once! The singing started again. This time it was much louder and intense. A beautiful melody. A song just for her.

The waves came closer to her and as soon as it touched her feet, she felt relaxed and looked towards the horizon. It really was beautiful! She walked closer into the sea, the water now reaching her knees.

"Lavana" came a soft voice. "Come and join us! You belong with us!"

Whoever this voice belonged to, it was very inviting and Lavana needed to see where this song was coming from. Maybe she should go and meet this woman with the beautiful voice but she was stopped in her tracks when a deep, manly voice spoke to her.

"Go back" the unknown Man said.

Lavana had never told anyone about this man's voice she would occasionally hear in her head. They would think her crazy. She would too except the voice would only give advice in a time of need. Usually before making a big mistake. This was one of those times. But the woman's voice was so persuasive. Calling out to her. Like it was meant to be.

She continued to wade through the water- it now reaching her waist. She could see two heads in the distance peeking out of the water but she couldn't quite make out their faces. One of the figures held out a hand but before Lavana could reach her, she heard her Mum calling to her. No, shouting! She turned around to see her running towards her, followed by Teddy. She was confused. Why was she in the sea? Why were they dragging her out of the water like she was in danger?

"Lavana! Can you hear me? What happened?" She heard Teddy's soft but frantic voice. She was now laying on the sand, Teddy and her Mum at her side.

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