Chapter 33

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1st September 2018 (4:07PM UK/ 8:07AM LA)

Off the train tracks, across the fields and the towns, past the Atlantic sea to the beach where the LA Magical Injuries and Illness Hospital was situated. It was still early in the morning but the Hospital was busy. It was always busy. 

A man walked in through the entrance. He had a black cloak on, with heavy black boots to match. He ignored his surroundings as if he was a man on a mission. Many Witches and Wizards were sat on the chairs waiting. Some seemed to be waiting to visit loved ones while some looked as if they were in a lot of pain. Not that he cared. He was here for one reason. And he had to be quick.

At this moment, another man burst through the door, crying out for someone to help him. The man was severely bleeding from many cut wounds all over his body. This would be no real problem for Healers however each time the man cried out with pain, he would also breathe out a mouthful of fire, rendering it almost impossible to get too close to him.

The man wearing all black clothes continued to walk past everyone who was now focused on the bleeding, fire breathing man and smiled to himself as he heard a patient say "I think they're going to need more people to help. That looks like the Pepper Breath Hex to me."

As more and more Healers appeared to the man's aid, the other man quietly slipped past the reception desk and headed for the stairs. 

1-2-3- 4th floor: Spell Damage

The floor was surprisingly quiet. Usually, when Witches and Wizards were sent to this floor, the corridors were filled with screams or signs of struggle as the Healers tried to work their magic and stop whatever jinx, hex or curse was put on them. No doubt the man downstairs would be sent to this floor. That is if he makes it, the man thought, smirking to himself.

The man enjoyed the quietness and emptiness of the hall, not seeing a person in sight. That was until a young girl came out from the room that he had intended to go in to. She almost bumped into him, her head too deep in thought.

The young girl had bright ginger hair and she smiled at him sweetly so he smiled back.

"I'm so sorry, Sir. Can I help you with anything?"

"Yes. I just need to get into that room." He spoke in his low, gravelly voice.

"Well unfortunately, visiting hours aren't for another 30 minutes. You'll have to go and wait downstairs." She continued to smile at him.

"I can't do that, I'm afraid."

"And why not?"

"Because I need to give them this." He held up two syringes and a small glass bottle. Her smile slowly dropped, her eyes widened as the mean lent in closer to her, whispering in her ear. "Thank you, my sweet, for looking after them." 

Her eyes widened but before she could run, the man waved his wand saying "Imperio."

The girls face relaxed and she started to wander along the halls, stumbling around and bumping into anything in the way as if she was in some sort of a trance.

Laughing softly at the girl's foolishness, he made his way into the room, going no further than the entrance at the door. He stared at the two beds; at his nephew and his sister. He was examining his work. What he had managed to do, himself. His family under his control. He was in control. 

He smiled and held onto the glass bottle pulling out a syringe and placing it in the bottle, pulling back the plunger as he walked over to his sister, perching on the side of her bed.

"You're probably wondering why this had to happen. Why you had to sleep for a little while. The truth is I wanted to see it in action. My little creation. Of course, it had already been tested. I can't have you dying on me, Larey." Once the syringe had filled with the lilac coloured liquid, he held it up and then looked back down at his sister, Alara. 

"No." He breathed. "I just needed you to let me do what had to be done. I just needed you to wait until I had her. And now that I do, you are free."

He plunged the needle into her arm, causing her to let out a little gasp though she still remained asleep.

"Time to wake up my dear sister. I wish I could stay for the reunion but I'm needed elsewhere. I have work to do." Alistair kissed his sister on her forehead and sat back up, watching as her finger tips started to move slowly. He looked back over to Ambrose lying on his bed and turned his nose up. Alistair then placed the glass bottle and the second syringe in Alara's hand. "Uh, you can wake up your brat."

Alistair stood up and walked to the door, looking back to see his sister now moving her legs slowly, her breathing getting heavier. 

"Remember sister, this is all For The Greater Good." He walked away, leaving his sister to wake from her slumber. 

A few seconds after her brother left the room, Alara shot up from her bed, sitting up and gasping for breath.

"No," she whispered breathlessly. "What have you done?"

Hi, I hope you enjoyed reading my first ever book :) I am working on the second story in this series. Let me know of any improvements I can work on or what you think might happen next 

Emily xx

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