Chapter 25

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"Why?" She spoke with such hurt in her voice, her voice squeaking as Noah continued to stare into her eyes. "Why would you do this?"

"What do you mean why, Lav?" He told her, an edge of annoyance in his voice. "Am I not allowed to say how I feel?"

"I told you that we couldn't be together. I said it won't happen. I'm with Gabe-"

"But you feel something. I know you do."

"Err yeah, I'm angry and annoyed. And I need to leave." Lavana walked out of Noah's room but he followed her down the hallway.

"Stop walking away all the time!" Noah argued, his words slurring as he spoke.

"I have to go. I need to meet my friends."

"What? And your boyfriend?" He mocked.

"Yes, to see Gabe."

"Ah yes and I thought you said that you wouldn't get back with him?" Noah asked, a hint of irritation in his voice.

Lavana sighed and rolled her eyes, not wanting to talk about Gabriel with her ex. "And I thought you said that you would never love anyone else?" She said quietly to herself, mocking him.

"Lavana. I just wanted to make you jealous." Noah said quietly.

"Thanks but I have Gabe. Guess it didn't work." She made her way down the stairs, ignoring Lucas and Ethan as they asked what was going on. She then stormed out of the house, the fresh air on her face and she disapparated away from the nightmare.

She landed badly and stumbled, her feet tripping over each other, her breath felt panicky. Lavana looked up at the Hotel where her friends were and after she had calmed herself down, she looked at her fake watch which now showed two numbers: 4 22 and she walked inside. Invisible.

Lavana crept past the front desk, watching a young girl that looked to be in her early 20's staring down at her phone, her feet stretched out on the desk, she didn't even notice the elevator door open and close as Lavana made her way inside. 

Lavana pressed the button for the 4th floor and felt it start to move, her mind lost in thought. She was confused. Everything that Noah had said was like a poison in her mind. She didn't know what to do anymore. Couldn't she just forget it ever happened but Noah was her friend. She didn't just want to abandon him. She couldn't. He was right. He did mean something to her.

She soon found herself in front of room no. 22 but before she could raise her hand to knock, it swung open and a hand grabbed ahold of her, pulling her inside the room. 

"Not a sound, Lav."

"What the-" 

"SHH. Quiet." Came Lewis's voice. She found him by the door, peering through the peephole. Lavana didn't know whether she should feel afraid, as if someone was spying on them but when she saw Jaxson stretched out on the bed, relaxed and reading a book whilst shaking his head, she smiled.

"What's going on?" She whispered, respecting Lewis's wishes of being quiet. 

"Some girl in the room next to us. He keeps thinking that she's going to suddenly come out into the hallway." Gabriel told her, walking over and kissing her on the cheek. "Anyway, everything alright with you?" 

"Yes," Lavana lied to him. "So how was the trip?"

"It was alright. We travelled by Portkey in the end. A lot quicker. Lewis threw up as soon as we landed-"

"-Of course he did."

"I had a lot to eat before we left okay?" Lewis whispered back angrily.

Lavana laughed at him and slunk herself on the bed next to Jaxson, who she noticed was reading a book called 'Fighting the Dark Arts: Dark Witches and Wizards'.

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