Chapter 7

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Camping was not something that Lavana enjoyed much. The idea of sleeping in a tent in the middle of a field, doing nothing, eating the same food everyday. Where was the logic in that? Of course she knew that people have lived in worse conditions. So why would you choose to sleep outside on the hard ground? Good thing Muggle camping was different to Wizard Camping!

This year, to celebrate Harry Potter's birthday, they had decided to have a celebration at the Burrow. In tents. Normally, Lavana would never say yes to camping but then again she liked the family and it was a way of getting her and her family out of the house. She convinced herself that it would be fun besides they were only going to be in the fields surrounding the Burrow; her Mum could relax about the safety cautions.

Packing was very difficult. Who knows what the weather will be like in England? She thought. It would probably rain at some point so she decided to take some warm clothes as well as her shorts and t-shirts for hot weather. The next problem was what she was going to wear there. It took a long time to decide but after trying on 10 different outfits, she settled on black jeans, a crop top and her converse.

She walked downstairs to find her Mum and Dad frantically trying to get everything that they needed: extra food, clothes etc. She saw that Ambrose had tried to bring fireworks and watched as Alara chucked them on the floor saying something about definitely not needing these. She was right, Lavana thought, she had no doubt that James would have his own.

James Potter had just finished his first year at Hogwarts and had already gained a reputation. He had, no doubt, lived up to his name, following in his Grandfather's footsteps. Seeing that Teddy had managed to escape Hogwarts right before the trouble started, it was down to the other Weasley's to keep an eye out for him and make sure he didn't get into too much trouble. That is an impossible job to do, Lavana would think every time she saw James doing magic in the corridors or when he had managed to accidentally set fire to a tree. Lavana especially remembered the night of September 1st, the first time she met him.

She had been out walking the corridors which was forbidden at night but she had her invisibility power and well she wasn't going to waste it. She liked to walk the castle at night when it was quiet with the light coming from the fires and the portraits on the wall, sleeping. It was about 11 O' Clock when she bumped into something. Or rather, someone. James had been using his Dads invisibility cloak to nose around the school.

"Ouchhh! Who's there?" James said a bit too loudly and dropped the cloak.

"Quiet you imbecile! You're gonna get us caught by Filch!" Lavana whispered angrily and she touched his arm allowing him to see her and for him to become invisible.

"Woahh how did you do that without the cloak? Wait! I know who you are!" Here we go again, she thought as he spoke. "You're Lavana, the one that Teddy always talks about and Fred's mentioned you too. You're related to that Dark wizard!" She nodded, her face grimaced. "WICKED! From what my cousins have said, you sound cool!"

Huh, she thought, a compliment. Well at least the Weasleys have been saying nice things about her.

"Thanks James. Listen, I know that all your cousins are keeping an eye out for you because you're trouble!" He rolled his eyes at her. "But there's no harm in bending the rules a little here and there. You're Dad did it and so did his Dad but there are always boundaries that shouldn't be crossed and honestly you nearly blew your cover earlier when we bumped into each other!"

"Well it did hurt! Anyway so what you're saying is you're not gonna tell anyone!" He asked encouragingly.

"Not tonight but get better or I won't have to tell anyone, because they will find out! I'll look out for you but remember boundaries. Not every prank is a good one!"

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