Chapter 15

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It wasn't long before they found out what Jess and Gabe had argued about. They were at school. Gossip travels fast. Apparently, Jessica had tried to get him to get him to go to breakfast with her but he had told her that he needed to go and see a teacher. She didn't like that he wasn't doing as she asked and was actually about to do things by himself. It wasn't a great deal and by lunch they were huddled together at the table but it was the first time that he chose to do something himself. It was something.

The group met every evening after dinner in the Potions room, where they planned more ideas to get their friend back. As apparently making Gabe see how much he hurt Lavana, they decided to make him still think that she was angry at him so during those History of Magic lessons, she kept to herself which actually helped to not get in Binns' bad books. They planned for Lewis and Jaxson to bring up a memory of their old friendship group every so often but it was hard with him always attached to Jess' side. The boys did well. Lavana had heard them once or twice hit him with the 'Do you remember when we-' conversations and would tell the girls about how his face would light up slightly or that he would laugh.

It wasn't much but as they didn't know what spell Jess had actually used on him and it clearly wasn't a big enough deal that the teachers would realise something, they just had to work with what they knew. 

On 23rd October, Lavana sat with Juliet and Daya eating breakfast. Daya was at chatting happily away but Lavana was not listening. Instead, she had her eyes fixed on the table on the other side of the hall, where the usual group of friends sat together. The girls that Lavana refereed to as the wannabes were the furthest down the table, then it was the fake friends, with Lewis and Jaxson who were twiddling their thumbs sat with a few other of Jess' friends and then Queen Jess with Gabriel. 

Lavana was very talented at remembering things and had been anticipating this mornings celebration. No doubt it would be a very long day. 

"Oh I'm such a bad friend." She said suddenly to her friends who were waiting for her reason. "I forgot to get Jess a birthday gift."

"Wow Lav, you're such an evil person. You had one job. Get Jess a present. She's not going to be to happy with you!" 

"Yeah well she's never happy with me. Wait until we get Gabe back. I can't wait for that punishment."

The Hall filled with screeches as owls flew from all directions dropping letters and parcels to students. Lavana's owl Sadie came swooping down to the table where they sat dropping two letters, a postcard and a parcel.

She picked up the postcard looking at the picture. It was a dark photo, set in the forest. At the front of the picture, stood her brother Ambrose dancing. Lavana smiled and turned the postcard over to see what he had written. It read:

'Saw the view, thought of you!'

He added a little winky face drawing at the side. Confused, she turned it back over to look at the photo again. In the background, stood three trolls standing awkwardly, slouched. One of the trolls then knocked another troll on the head with it's club accidentally causing it step back in alarm. 

"Oh very funny!" She said sarcastically handing it to Daya and Juliet to look at although she did have to admit that Ambrose always knew how to put a smile on her face.

"Haha, that's great!" Daya exclaimed, watching the picture over and over again.

Shaking her head, Lavana picked up one of the letters recognising her Mum's neat handwriting. It read:

Dear Lav,                                                                                                                                                                                   I hope that you are well and are enjoying your first month back at school. I'm sure that you are working hard but make sure that you are getting plenty of rest.                                                                       We haven't been up to much at home (and yes we are in the same place; there hasn't been any more sightings of A but we are sure that he's not far.) Your father and I actually managed to leave the house for a short visit to the city the other day. It was lovely to get away especially from the chaos in the house. Just a warning, Ambia will probably be wanting a word with you about Cressida's Octopus phase. It's been fun clearing up the mess afterwards. Somehow, Reemey doesn't mind though. Ambrose is in Albania at the moment researching creatures. I think he said he would send you a postcard.                                                                                                                                       I hope everyone is being nice to you and that you are behaving, although I doubt that judging from that letter I received telling me of your detention on the FIRST DAY BACK. And not only that but in the first lesson. Please try not to get anymore. I'll be nice and let you off with that first one as I saw it was from Binns.                                                                                                                                                         Anyway, we can't wait to hear from you about what you've been up to and we are so excited for you to come back to us at Christmas. Enjoy your little parcel of goodies!

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