Chapter 16

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Even though Daya and Juliet had been very discreet in informing McGonagall about the man, everyone decided to blame Lavana for the next Hogsmede visit being cancelled; the notice was hung up in the common rooms the very next day. Nobody knew what had actually happened for the trip to end so abruptly but seeing Professor McGonagall leading Lavana out of the hall and to her office was a bit of a dead giveaway that she was involved in some way. So the students had no clue what she had done, but it was her fault anyway.

During the day, she listened to everyone gossiping about what Lavana may have done to get the Hogsmede trip cancelled.

"She probably sneaked out. I think she's very good at that." One girl had said during breakfast the next day.

"Well not if she got caught." The girl's friend added. 

It was a relief when Halloween finally came around; at least with this, everyone was too excited to hate Lavana. On the day of Halloween, the castle was always decorated with spooky decorations, and lessons on that day were always themed. For example, in transfiguration they turned objects into bats. In charms, her class was increasing the sizes of the pumpkins that would be put in the Great Hall and in History of Magic, Binns decided to drone on about how Halloween came about which Lavana paid no attention to. Instead, she set her mind elsewhere and being quite a talented artist, she decided to draw. The teachers couldn't complain. It was to do with Halloween. In the drawing, stood a girl, surrounded by pumpkins which kept growing and growing until she was out of sight. It was a good drawing. Even Gabriel complimented it. Although he didn't seem to notice that the girl in the picture was in fact Jessica.

Finally, the day drew to a close and Lavana followed the crowd to the Great Hall for the usual Halloween Feast. The hall had been beautifully decorated and the tables were set with orange and purple confetti sprinkled everywhere. Once everyone had made it to their house table, Professor McGonagall stood at the front, the chatter dying down ready for her to allow them to start.

Suddenly, plates and bowls of food filled the tables. Everyone excitedly piled their plates with mountains of food as if they would never eat again. Lavana had been lucky enough to sit near the back of the hall with Jess near the front which allowed her to sit facing towards the Slytherins so she could see Daya and Juliet. It was annoying with the Ravenclaw table in between but it was kind of funny watching the twins moving in different directions every time a Ravenclaw moved their head and blocked their view. 

The food, as usual was delicious, courtesy of the house elves although Lavana did miss not helping out this year but that's what she got for being a good student and not getting any detentions. 

The evening was filled with lots of chatter and laughter especially when Daya accidentally flicked a pea which flew into the back of Kaiden Davis' (a Ravenclaw in their year) robes. Lavana was relieved as the evening came to a close and everyone started to leave the hall, tired and with full stomachs. Lavana told the twins that she would see them at breakfast tomorrow.

She walked back to the common room, stuck behind a slow group of fourth year girls in her house excitedly talking about some boy that smiled at them. Lavana smiled to herself thinking back to when she had felt that flushed about Gabe. And then Noah. She then went into a deep thought about who she would choose. Gabe or Noah? Which one was the better match? She couldn't decide. She was too busy thinking about it that she didn't notice that the girls in front had stopped walking and she bumped into one of them. 

"I'm so sorry." She said to them but the girl didn't appear to be listening. Instead, she concentrated on  a boy looking out of the window and shouting.

"NO WAY!" The boy pointed to the window and looked excited and panicked at the same time. People started pushing to get towards the window all whispering in murmurs. 

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