Chapter 5

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The room was quiet. Everyone had stopped to watch the news report, watching Teddy and Lavana staring at the screen, a look of fear on their faces. To the boys, this was just another news report about a criminal on the loose but only Teddy and Lavana knew the real danger of this man.

If the boys were confused by their shocked faces, they didn't question it. It seemed that none of them knew what to say. They all looked at each other and to Lavana and Teddy, waiting for someone to say something. News reports like this happened all the time. It's horrible but no one would look this shocked unless they knew the person. As if they were scared. Whatever this was, the boys had known from the 4th July fireworks that Lavana and Teddy were hiding many things but that day was not the only day when strange things had happened that didn't add up.

It had been a while of standing around like frozen statues before the first person spoke. It was Lavana but it wasn't her usual chirpy voice, instead it was a quiet whisper. It was fear.

"Teddy?" There were tears forming in her eyes but she couldn't cry now. Not in front of Noah, Ethan and Lucas who she suddenly remembered were also in the room. She thought back to the 1st July, when she had been met at Platform 9 and 3/4 by numerous Aurors who were to protect her. It was then that she was told that her family had moved to America. Lavana had been so confused. Her family had been banned from America because of her Grandfather. Why had the American Ministry (MACUSA) suddenly changed their minds for them?

Right now, this didn't matter. She had suddenly realised where she was and who was in the room. The boys. They must think that she was crazy. Or thinking about the secrets that she had told them about. The ones that she couldn't talk about. They weren't stupid. She knew that they had been questioning her ever since the fourth of July fireworks, especially Lucas. And she knew that there had also been other slip ups between herself and Teddy.

Just the other day, she had answered Ethan's question about where his phone was? This would've been normal however he didn't get the chance to ask the question out loud before Lavana answered, telling him it was on the table in the kitchen. This left him very confused but she managed to sort the situation saying that she took a guess that he had lost it as he looked like he was looking for something. Luckily, Ethan accepted that answer and it was never brought up again however there had been other witnesses who did not forget so easily. Other things had happened too such as sudden appearances, letters falling from the sky which had been dropped by owls and she probably shouldn't have changed her hairstyle most days. I mean who dyes their hair a different colour almost every day?

"Lavana, I'm sorry but I've really got to get you home, now. Like right now!"

She had no interest in going home. She would have much preferred to stay here, playing foosball with her new friends, forgetting about all the troubles in her life and feeling like she had a normal life. But this was serious. Her parents needed her home and she needed to know that they were all safe.

"Why are you leaving? I thought you guys were staying?" Questioned Ethan.

"Do you know this man or something?

She could tell by Lucas' face that he was very serious and got the feeling that he was starting to not trust her. She felt bad but she also wanted to keep them all safe. But then, they were strong people and she hadn't had friends like this for a long time. She couldn't just throw them away; they meant too much. However before she could answer his question, Teddy spoke again.

"Lavana, come on we have to go. Now!"

She looked at the boys who were all disappointed except for Lucas who was still waiting for an answer.

"I'm sorry, I really have to go!" She paused before continuing speaking very quickly. "That man is my Uncle and whilst he's around, my family are not safe! No one is! I need to see my family but I will come back and answer more of your questions. I owe you that much at least."

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