Chapter 8

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The time read 1:00AM on Lavana's watch. Loud bangs awoke her followed by shouting. As she sat up and opened her eyes, she saw coloured lights flashing through the tent; she rolled her eyes. This was probably James unless there really was something wrong but either way Lavana decided to go and see what was happening.

Out of all the jokes and pranks that James had done, this had to be the most chaotic one by far. Lavana had stepped out of the tent to find the majority of the Weasley/Potters running around being chased by rogue fireworks. She watched, laughing as she saw Ron tripping over anything in the way, Harry and Hermione trying to stop the fireworks but also having to dodge them (there must have been about 100), and Ginny was shouting "YOU ARE IN SO MUCH TROUBLE YOUNG MAN!" over at James who's prank had backfired on him seeing as he cowered behind a tree to avoid the flying, exploding fireworks.

"Please tell me that you had nothing to do with this Ambrose!" The sounds of screaming and bangs were so loud that Lavana hadn't noticed her brother standing behind watching the madness outside.

"I was asleep and anyway you know me, I would never cause trouble!" He winked at Lavana and left her to help get rid of the fireworks. Seeing as Lavana was not allowed to use magic outside of school, she joined Fred and the others who were also in the same boat, all huddled in the Burrow peering through the window, laughing.

"How long has James been planning this then? Lavana questioned as she walked through the door.

"Well looking at the amount of fireworks, I'd say ever since it was decided that we would have an annual camping trip." Fred laughed as they watched a firework transform into a huge dragon and start to chase Teddy around the field which Lavana also found hilarious. "I think he wanted it to be a fun birthday prank for his Dad!"

"Oh I'm sure Harry is finding this hilarious." Lavana added sarcastically.

After half an hour of the adults trying to trap and catch the remaining fireworks and then trying to fix anything that had been damaged, everyone was finally able to get some more sleep. The shouting and loud noises had died down and as soon as her head fell into her pillow, Lavana fell into a deep sleep, her usual dream coming to life; the gloomy city, the lady and her son, Alistair, animals chasing her, her family turning their backs on her and her deranged Uncle's laughter ringing in her ears.


The smell of bacon filled the air as Lavana woke from her slumber. She sat up in her bed, her body clammy from the tossing and turning her nightmare had caused. She looked at her watch which read 7:30AM and decided to go take a shower. Conveniently, the tent was fully equipped with a bathroom but she decided she wasn't going to mention that to Noah, Ethan and Lucas when they asked about this trip as she didn't really understand how it worked in a tent either.

Everyone was still sleeping by the time Lavana had finished in the shower so she decided to go for a walk to stretch her legs. The Burrow was close to a woodland area and Lavana missed seeing nature and the wilderness. This was something that you weren't really close to in LA. She quickly put on some jeans and a t-shirt and crept out of the tent. She noticed that a light was on in the kitchen of The Burrow. Probably Mrs Weasley, she thought but seeing as she didn't want to be seen sneaking out alone, she decided to turn invisible. She needed the peace and quiet.

Going on walks and exploring nature was one of the things that Lavana loved to do. This was the trouble with being so protected. She always had to have someone with her, or have many safety procedures in place and she never felt free to explore the world on her own. Lavana wanted to hear the birds chirping in the trees, smell the air of nature, watch the deer grazing in a field, a rushing river nearby. Of course, this wasn't her family's fault that she couldn't do any of this, they just wanted to keep her safe and away from Alistair wherever he was nowadays but sometimes she wanted them to trust her a bit more. She was strong, she could look after herself. She did have the powers to do so.

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