Chapter 2

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Lavana and Teddy had returned home late afternoon after leaving the boys. They had all been so caught up in their conversations when Teddy finally looked at the time and panicked thinking that Lavana's parents would worry if they arrived home any later. Lavana wished they could've stayed longer. She would talk to Noah, Ethan and Lucas all day if she could but they promised to meet the next day at the 4th July fireworks so at least she had that to look forward to.

"Did you both have a lovely day out?" Lavana's dad Jacob asked as they both sat down at the kitchen table. Jacob Tonks was, in Lavana's opinion, the best dad that anyone could ask for. But then maybe she was a little biased. She had always got on so well with him and over the years he had taught his children so much. He was such a kind hearted person and each time he smiled, it would make you smile. It was impossible not to like him. He could lighten up anyone's day and that's exactly what he had been doing even since 1995 Alara and Jacob had to go into hiding.

Alara, her mum, was a lot different to Jacob. Where he was always smiling, Alara was a lot more serious. It wasn't her fault. Anyone who had lived the life she had would be the same but it was clear that Jacob brought out the best in her. He brought out the best in everyone. He always seemed to understand Lavana better than Alara did. 

Lavana may have gotten her looks from her mum, but a lot of her personality was from her dad. She loved her parents both dearly especially knowing how much they had sacrificed to get where they were today. She just wished that one day they could get the life they deserved rather than spending another 20 years in hiding.

"Yes. We went to New York. I bought some new clothes-"

"Of course." Her dad smiled and looked over at Teddy who rolled his eyes jokingly. "And did you let Teddy enjoy himself or did you just make him your chauffeur today?"

"Of course I did. I walked around that museum for him. And anyway don't call him a chauffeur- the kid can't even apparate 2 metres without something going wrong. Ask him where he landed today?"

"It wasn't my fault!" Teddy argued back.

"Go on Teds. Tell us." Lavana's older brother Ambrose walked in, smiling.

"A bin. Okay."

Lavana joined in with her family laughing and even Teddy couldn't help but smile. 

"Oh Ted you do crack me up." Ambrose said tucking into his dinner. "Mum where's Ambia?"

"She's upstairs with Cressida. There were a few accidents today. It seems that Sida's powers are coming through a bit early."

"She's not even two yet." Teddy said surprised.

"Yeah but you should've seen Lav when she was a baby. Absolute nightmare, she was-" 

Alara gently hit Ambrose on the arm and tutted. "Oh like you were an angel child? I seem to remember you setting fire to your bed a fair few times."

"Alright alright I'm just trying to enjoy my dinner here. No need to hit me. I'll just sleep with the dragons next time, shall I, instead of coming home."

"I think you'd be more at home with the dragons." Lavana told her brother. 

"Yeah well you're a troll. Ask me why, Teds." Ambrose pointed to Teddy who was struggling to contain his amusement.


"Because I have never seen someone as ugly as you before." Ambrose got up off his chair, clicked his fingers and ran out of the room shouting, avoiding a bread roll that Lavana threw at him.

"Stupid child." Alara said, shaking her head. "And he's supposed to be the oldest. I thought he would be the mature one."

Lavana let out a snort since Ambrose was anything but mature. He had his moments of being a kind, protective older brother but it was clear that Lavana had learnt some of her mischief from him. Lavana had two siblings; Ambrose and Ambia. Twins, although Ambrose always had a habit of reminding everyone that he was born 15 minutes before his sister making him the oldest. 

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