Chapter 12

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Okay so maybe she had exaggerated to her muggle friends about life at Hogwarts. It wasn't as bad as she led on. Yes, it had once been hell when everyone had found out her secret but eventually she got fed up of moping around and decided that it wasn't worth it. One morning in the middle of her third year, Lavana woke up and decided that if she was going to be hated because of who she was, and if there was nothing that she could do to change it, then she may as well just relish in it. So not only did she change her hair that morning but also her attitude. Nobody knew what they were in for during breakfast that morning.

Lavana strutted down the hall, her fellow students looking at her in awe. Her hair was now her natural mid-length straight, platinum blonde style, the one she used to despise because it resembled Grindelwald. Her school uniform was definitely not worn how it should be, her skirt short, ripped tights and platform boots. No doubt, she would spend the rest of the day being told by teachers that her outfit was not correct.

No one really knew how to react to this new and confidence-improved Lavana. Not at first. It wasn't long before people's opinions changed. They went from hating her and doing everything they could to destroy her to now being even more afraid so they had to get on her right side. It was like one of those films where the mean girl was in charge and everyone was obsessed with her. The girls wanted to be her and the boys wanted to be with her. She was now the Regina George of the school. Being at the top was fun, she felt she could do anything she wanted. This must be what it's like to have power and take over the world. Was this what her Grandfather felt? Was she turning into him?

Nope, it was too exhausting being in charge, everyone doing everything they could for you just so they could take the social climb and be at the top. To be in her clique. They weren't really her friends and she never called them friends. They were like followers. It was still lonely. That was until the new girls started.

It was the start of her fourth year and Lavana had stood up from her table at the Start of Term Feast, ready to jump into bed when Professor McGonagall called her over the front of the hall. There were many looks, thinking she was in trouble. That was usually the case but not this time as when she reached McGonagall, she saw that she was not standing alone. Stood next to her were two girls who looked similar but not exactly the same. Twins. The main difference was their hair. One had black hair, the other a dark brown.

"Lavana, I'm giving you a task to do. This is Juliet and Daya Flores. They are starting at this school and will be in your year. They are both in Slytherin house but I am hoping that you will be like a guide to them. They are in a few of your classes-"

"But why not choose someone in their own house?" Lavana questioned.

"You know everyone at this school and I think you even know more about this school than I do. I'm sure you would be a strong leader and assist these girls." Lavana rolled her eyes, wondering how she had got that impression. "You will show these girls around the school, help them to  find their classes and introduce them to other students. Now I'll leave you to introduce yourselves properly and then its off to bed. You can get to know each other better tomorrow morning."

Professor McGonagall walked away, leaving Lavana with the strangers. They both looked exhausted and slightly anxious as they waited for Lavana to speak first.

"Okay then, I'm Lavana and I can see that you're both very tired so I'll show you to your common room." She said quickly. They didn't say much but followed her as she walked them towards the dungeons and was glad when she saw three boys tailing behind a large group of Slytherins. 

"Oi Gabe!" Lavana shouted to the crowd. A boy with dark hair turned around and came closer, his two friends stopped but stayed a few feet ahead. Gabe walked closer to the girls and kissed Lavana.

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