Chapter 11

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The evening was warm that night and dozens of stars filled the sky. Lavana and her friends were sat around a fire pit, talking except it was more like an interrogation on Lavana. It had been nearly two months of knowing the muggles but still the questions kept coming about the wizarding world. This time was about what her next year at Hogwarts would be like.

"Dull" She said simply, looking at them, their faces saying 'Hogwarts? Dull? As if!' 

"What? You guys won't be there and I'm going to have to put up with another year of Jess."

"But have you tried turning her into a ferret?" Ethan asked which made them all laugh until Lavana realised that he was actually being serious. "I'm just saying. She wouldn't be a problem then, would she?"

"Yeah Lav, that's a solid idea. Why haven't you just done that?" Teddy said sarcastically.

After an hour of discussing which spell would work best on Jessica, Teddy and Ethan and Lucas decided to go inside and play a game leaving Noah and Lavana alone.

"So Lavana, I have a question. I need you to be honest. Can you do that?" Noah asked her nervously.

"I think that depends on the question."

"I'm serious, Lav."

She already knew what was coming. He didn't need to say a thing. She didn't want him to. If only they could stay in this moment, staring at the stars feeling safe, no worries on her mind. If only. She nodded at him to continue.

"Lav, this summer with you has been amazing. I have never met anyone like you and never connected with someone as well as I have with you. I'm just going to say it."

'Oh no', she thought, 'here it comes.'

"Lavana, I love you." He paused, looking for her reaction but there was none. She felt as if she had been frozen. What could she say to make this situation better? She couldn't say it back, that was for sure. But she wanted to. She really did.

"I know what you're going to do, Lav" He continued, speaking calmly "You're going to come up with reasons why you can't. But you can. I know you, Lav. You're always thinking about everyone else. You think that you will put me in danger but you won't."

"It's not that easy. I wish it was." She told him in almost a whisper.

"But surely you feel the same. Talk to me!"

She could hear the frustration start to rise in his voice but she couldn't get any words out. Instead she shook her head slowly. Lavana knew that her future would be dangerous. With every new day it seemed like Alistair was getting closer and closer to her and three muggle boys would not stop him. People would get hurt and she couldn't let it be Noah who had such a bright future ahead of him: the band, fame, fortune and he was a kind-hearted person. He'd have no trouble finding someone better than her. He'd be safe. That's what mattered to her. Even if it meant breaking his heart.

"Okay, so I was wrong then? You don't feel the same way?" His voice was soft, almost fragile.

"I'm not saying that at all." She said, finally able to talk. "This summer has been amazing. I'd do it all again in a heartbeat. I really like you Noah and if the circumstances were different, then yeah I'd like to think that we could be together. But just look at my life. It's a mess. It's too dangerous and I don't want you to get hurt so we can't, OK. We just can't!"

"You're just giving up then! Lavana, you deserve to be happy. Please-"

"You're a good person Noah! And that's why I can't. I'm sorry." She turned and walked away, secretly hoping he would call her name, or run over to her but he didn't so she disapparated. It was for the best, she thought.

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