Chapter 28

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"Lavana, we have some unfortunate news to discuss with you." Professor McGongall spoke in a quieter voice than usual. She looked upset. She never looks upset, Lavana thought. What was going on? 

It was 1:00 in the morning and Lavana was sat in her pyjamas in Professor McGonagall's office. She had been in a deep sleep, having her usual horrible dream which seemed a lot darker than usual and just before she was shaken awake, the same unknown voice who spoke to her in a time of need told her 'Stay strong.' She didn't have time to process his words of wisdom because as soon as her eyes opened, she saw Professor McGonagall by her side, looking grave, with her roommates staring at her sleepily. 

She had then been ordered to follow her to her office where she saw Harry, has face white with an expression as if he had just seen something truly terrifying.

Once she was sat down, Lavana looked from McGonagall to Harry, trying to read their thoughts but everything was jumbled. She couldn't concentrate. Their minds seemed to be racing with so many thoughts that she couldn't decipher any of them. But just from the fear in their eyes, she just knew it was bad so she decided to just let them speak.

"As you know, we have been following through with your Uncle's case. I know that Teddy informed you of the cave and that we found some things. There were lots of papers scattered everywhere. It was a mess. The papers were important. We knew that much. But they were jumbled. We thought maybe he suspected we would arrive there or maybe someone else got there first and he had to make a quick get away. That's what it seemed like." So this was about Alistair, Lavana thought and noticed Harry's face drop. It was a look of shame. What had happened in that cave? Lavana decided to stay silent.

"It was all a trick. We should've known. He knew we would visit. He knew everything."

Lavana felt sick to her stomach. If Alistair knew that the Ministry would go there, did he also know about the time travel? After all, she was the one who sent the Ministry there in the first place. 

"Most of the papers in the cave were from the Ministry." Harry's voice squeaked. "Your files, Lavana."

"What?" She whispered. It was all she could manage to say. She felt confused.

"Your files. We found loads of forms about your powers. Every time you had a new power, you had to register it. He had the forms. We have no idea how he snuck in the Ministry and stole all of them but he did and we didn't have a clue."

"Lavana he knows that you had only performed time travel once. I was informed by your Mother after Christmas that you were practicing to do it again and that you were succeeding?" Lavana nodded at Harry. "He knew too. He'd planned it. He wanted you to try again. When that book appeared a few months ago in the Library, you had no idea where it came from. We believe he must have planted it and was trying to encourage you to practice your power."

"So he knew I would lead you to the cave?" They both nodded at her. "Okay but what's this all for? Why would he want to just let you know that he broke into the Ministry. What more could he have? There's something you haven't told me, isn't there?"

"Yes Lavana. There's more but it's important that you don't go after him even though after hearing this you will want to." McGonagall spoke calmly to her.

"What did he do?"

"You need to promis-"

"TELL ME WHAT HE DID?" The glistening in both of their eyes told her so much. It told her that she was about to experience a great pain. It said that there was a chance that she may not come back from this. It said that nothing will ever be the same again.

"He had your family's files too, about where you have moved to each time. He knew you were in America but he didn't know where."


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