Chapter 3

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A week had passed since she had met the band and Lavana had been quick to realise that she had actually found some really good friends. The boys had made the time to show her around LA despite being busy with their music and Lavana was enjoying being a normal teenager for once. She didn't even have time to worry about all the things going on in her life. They just took her mind off of things.

It was a Thursday afternoon and they had all just finished a day full of expensive shopping. Lavana was sat at the boys house with Teddy, listening to them practising their music. The boys were very talented and Lavana could see that they were headed in the right route to success. 

Lavana listened to the sounds of the guitar that Ethan was strumming on, to the notes that Lucas played on the piano, to the words that Noah sang. It was beautiful. It was calming. She felt relaxed, her mind focusing on her new friends. Couldn't they stay with her? Couldn't they just get on the train with her to Hogwarts. 

She thought back to her first year at Hogwarts, not knowing anyone. Having to make friends. She hadn't had any friends before Hogwarts. But then Jessica sat next to her on the train. She was nervous too. They talked for the whole journey. They became friends. They were sorted into different houses but they were still friends. Soon they were inseparable. Like two peas in a pod. They befriended others. The two girls were liked by so many others. They were popular. Everyone wanted to be their friend. But Lavana had a big secret. A secret she had kept for two years. She wanted to tell Jess. Jess would understand. Because they were friends. Because nothing could break them apart.

Monday 1st September 2014 

It was another year. Another birthday too. But Lavana's third year at Hogwarts. Excitement filled the air as it always did on the day going back to school. Children were chatting and sharing everything they did in the holidays even Lavana couldn't wait to tell Jess about Ambrose trying to prank their parents. 

It took a while to find an empty compartment; Lavana could've sworn that the numbers of students were multiplying drastically each year. The corridors were filled with first years running up and down the aisles excitedly, sharing Bertie Botts Every Flavour Beans and swapping Chocolate Frog cards with each other trying to build up their collection. 

After narrowly missing a screaming yo-yo which screeched in her ear, she finally found an empty compartment. She had wondered where Jessica was as she couldn't wait to tell her all about her summer. No sooner as she had started to open a Chocolate Frog, the sliding door to her compartment slid open. 

In the doorway stood a Slytherin boy from her year called Gabriel Avery, known as a mischievous and badly behaved boy in her year. He had very dark hair with turquoise blue eyes that Lavana always found unusual but fascinating, not that she was the only one. He had very attractive features, which made him a favourite with the girls but his wicked personality had let him down many times for Lavana to care about him in the slightest. Not to mention he was one of the sacred twenty eight (pureblood families) so of course he had expectations to live up to. His family were big supporters of the dark arts with his Grandfather known as someone in the inner circle of one of the darkest wizards of all time, Voldemort. She didn't want to get involved with someone like him.

He stepped through the door and into her compartment as if he owned the place. After looking up to see who was at the door, she looked back down at her chocolate frog. She was used to Gabriel pestering her, in fact all the boys would pester her but Gabriel loved his jokes and he loved to mess with people. She would just choose to ignore it.

"From what I've heard this morning Lav, you should be in Slytherin!" Lavana who was shocked by his comment, tore through the packaging on her chocolate frog and out jumped the enchanted frog, hopping into the boys face. He jumped back in surprise and swung his arms around swiping away the frog. This greatly amused Lavana and took away her concern for his comment as she laughed.

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