Chapter 17

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Lavana was going to try and carry on as normal the next morning but as she woke up with a terrible headache and felt sick, she chose not to. She looked at the clock on her bedside table which read: 9:15AM. She had missed breakfast anyway and first lesson had already started. She wasn't missing out on much. She was very skilled when it came to Potions and had perfected her Polyjuice Potion last lesson, ahead of everyone else. 

Whenever people would hear about Lavana doing more than the usual amount of lessons, they would never understand how she did it. Twelve subjects at N.E.W.T level. It did sound insane. Some lessons overlapped so she would have to swap round each week with which lesson to go to. Year Six had free lessons which was supposed to be used to catch up with work but as it was still the start of the school year, most used this time to hang out with friends. As this was time that Lavana needed, she was one of the few students who used any free time wisely. It was a pain and it was tiring but Lavana was incredibly intelligent. She was able to pick up on things easily and understand what was being taught in the lessons. It also helped that she loved to learn and was very hardworking. She always made time to study and do her homework. Everyone was always surprised when asked what her plan for the future was. The truth was she still had no idea. She just knew that she wanted to change the world. 

Slowly, because that was the only way, Lavana got out of bed and started to get ready. As soon as she stood up, the dizziness got too much and she had to sprint out of the room to the toilet. She was hoping to feel at least a bit better after throwing up but the room kept spinning. She threw on some clothes and tied her hair up messily and walked out of the common room towards the Hospital Wing, praying that she would make it there without puking again or even without collapsing. 

Unfortunately, she had only got halfway there before she started to feel very ill again and since it was still lesson time, there wasn't anyone around. She grabbed onto the wall, trying to take deep breaths but the room kept spinning and was starting to fade. She couldn't hold on. She could feel herself falling. Was that someone running towards her and calling her name? Darkness.

"Lavana. Can you hear me? Lavana, you're in the Hospital Wing." A females voice told her. 

She struggled to open her eyes. There was bright light in her face. She tried to lift her arm up but couldn't move. She suddenly remembered what had happened and open her eyes wide while thrashing her body about, attempting to sit up.

"Calm down. You need to stay still. You are not well." She looked over to Madam Pomfrey who pouring water into a cup by her bedside table. Who was holding her legs then? She looked up to see Professor McGonagall, Professor Longbottom and Gabriel let go of her. Gabriel. 

"Why is he here?" She hadn't meant to say it. Whatever Madam Pomfrey had given her had made her feel drowsy and she could barely think. Gabriel looked a bit taken aback at first but seemed to think that her comment was fair.

"You should be thanking Mr Avery here. If he hadn't been sent out of lesson to come and find me for Professor Longbottom, who knows what would have happened. We've been incredibly worried." Said Professor McGonagall, helping her to sit up slightly so she could have a drink. 

Lavana gave Gabriel a small nod as a thanks but she was still confused. Why did they sound so worried? She just fainted.

"I woke up and wasn't feeling very well so I tried to get here but I fainted." She told them in between breaths. They all looked at each other. "What? What aren't you guys telling me?"

"Lavana, you didn't exactly faint." Gabriel said to her. The way he looked at her, was like she was on her death bed. Had it really been that bad? "I came round the corner when I saw you, you had been holding onto the wall, and you were falling. I ran over and tried to call your name but you didn't say anything. Your face was blue, you're hair was flashing different colours and you didn't look like you were breathing. I called for someone to help and that's when you started having a fit. Luckily Professor McGonagall was just round the corner and came to help." 

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