Chapter 6

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Over the next couple of days, the boys spoke only of the wizarding world. Many questions were asked and the boys wanted to know anything and everything about magic and wizards. It was fun at first, Lavana enjoyed telling them about her world but after a while, she did begin to get fed up to which Teddy reminded her that she wanted to tell them in the first place.

"So do you have those posh banquets at school, you know like posh food?"

"Really Ethan? That's the question you want to ask?"

"What? Noah, she just said something about start of term feasts that appear on your plate. I want to know what they're eating."

"We don't have feasts every day and it's not all posh food. We're not royalty." She started chuckling. "And the food doesn't just appear, you know! The house elves spend all day making it all for a bunch of ungrateful kids." Lavana added. The boys stared in awe after the mention of house elves.

"Tell us more about house elves!" Said Ethan. "Oh please tell me that you have one!"

"House elves are lovely. I spend a lot of time with them helping in the kitchens at school. They have taught me a lot about cooking. And yeah I have a house elf. You can come round at some point and meet her if you want."

Lavana had never seen them so excited in her time of knowing them. As muggles, Lavana had expected this reaction. It must be exciting for them to see what a wizard house looked like. She had to remind them that her Dad was also a muggle so it wouldn't be that amazing but they disagreed.


It was Friday 28th July when Lavana's Mum finally agreed that the boys could visit their house, Lavana sat in the kitchen that morning having breakfast with her family minus Ambrose who was out at work.

"So Lavana, are you nervous about your O.W.L results that are coming today?" Alara asked her daughter. As she had just finished her fifth year at Hogwarts, she had taken her O.W.L exams (Ordinary Wizarding Levels) and today was the day that she would get the results.

"Of course, she isn't nervous, Mum. She'll get full marks in everything. No, she's  more nervous about the guests coming round today." Ambia smirked across the table at Lavana but was interrupted by the bowl of porridge being splattered over her. Lavana chuckled and gave her niece a big smile and a thumbs up which did not please her sister who stormed off to change her clothes.

"I did my best in my exams Mum! I can only hope now."

"I'm certain you'll do well darling. You never fail to impress us!"

"Thanks Dad!"

As they continued with breakfast, they spoke about the boys coming round. She gave strict instructions to not be embarrassing although she was certain that no matter what they did, the boys would be amazed. They would be arriving at 2:00PM. Because of all the protective enchantments around the house, Lavana and her Mum would have to meet them outside as they would not be able to see the house without the secret keeper (her Mum) telling them the address, inviting them inside.

2:00PM couldn't come quick enough. Lavana had made sure that the house was spotless (which of course it was, thanks to Reemey.) She also made sure that it was safe for three curious muggles. She had known Ambrose her whole life and even though he wasn't here, she had to check that he didn't leave any tricks around. When the time hit 1:55PM, Lavana and her Mother set off outside away from the enchanted house. It didn't take long for them to hear three excited voices coming closer.

Noah, Lucas and Ethan all walked towards them with big smiles on their faces but Lavana could hear from their thoughts that they were slightly nervous. She greeted them with a smile and introduced her Mum. Although her Mum was very kind, she was her Father's daughter by her looks so she wasn't surprised that the boys were nervous. Lavana was lucky not to inherit the intimidating and scary looking face.

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