Chapter 4

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It was the beginning of summer, there was a clear blue sky; not a cloud in sight. Lavana was outside playing Quidditch with Ambrose and Ambia. Well, trying. It was hard to play with three players and her brother and sister did like to tease her.

Lavana, aged 10 had just been told by her brother that she couldn't play with them because she 'didn't know anything' so she had stormed off, fed up of their stupid twin bond and decided to sit and read Ambrose' book called 'Quidditch through the ages.' It wasn't the first time, they had left her out of their games. "I'll be the one laughing when I know everything about Quidditch! I'm not stu-"

"Look, her powers are a lot to handle, even I know that. She just needs to learn to control them!" Came her Dads soft voice from the kitchen. Lavana got up from where she had been sitting in the next room and moved out into the corridor outside of the kitchen.

"I know, I'm not saying that I can't handle it. What I'm saying is that it's too dangerous for her. We've kept our children in hiding all of their lives and the two of us have been ever since we married. If she goes to that school, who knows what will happen. The twins are fine being home schooled and so was I when I was young, I just don't think we can send her there!" Her Mum argued back.

Lavana stood outside the kitchen, listening. It wasn't hard to know that they were talking about her. And they weren't wrong. She didn't have control of her powers. She just couldn't get the hang of things. They were too strong and it seemed that no one knew what to do about it.

"Ambrose and Ambia don't have those extra powers and besides they've always had each other. If Lavana is home schooled, she will be miserable and you know what happens with her powers when she's upset or angry! She needs the support that Hogwarts can give her. From what you've said and what I've heard, I think it's the perfect place for her. She will be able to learn so much and excel. She has so much potential." He paused. "I just don't think that we will be able to hide her from the world."

Lavana heard her Mum's tone change. "If those kids find out about her family, our family, she will be ruined. I know our daughter, she won't be able to handle it and they will take advantage of her powers. They'll use her. I won't have my daughter being hurt by some pathetic children because of something he did!"

She always addressed him like that. Always ashamed of the things her father did. The name Gellert Grindalwald was never really mentioned in their household except when their Grandmother 'Malina' came to visit but that was because she was so obsessed with him.

Malina Roberts was a rotten lady, in Lavana's eyes. Although she was over 80 years old, she didn't look a day over 40. Lavana didn't know much about Malina's ancestors but somewhere along the line there had to have been some Veela, a race of part human and part magical humanoids. They appear to everyone as young, beautiful women and their looks are magically seductive to most male beings, which can cause them to behave strangely, trying to get closer to the Veela.

Whether her Grandfather had fallen for her charms, Lavana was not certain but she did know that he never loved her. She had overheard her Mum talking to her dad many times about that. Lavana couldn't imagine the things that her Mum had gone through. Having a Dad in prison or a crazy Mum was not something that she could relate to. She was lucky, compared to her Mum.

The arguing about Lavana going to school continued as Lavana stopped her thoughts about her wicked grandmother. She may only be 10 years old but Lavana knew this argument was coming before it happened, she could read their thoughts, after all. The constant thinking about whether or not she should go to Hogwarts had been on her parents mind over the past week after she had accidentally told a bird to attack her brother when he had told her that she couldn't play wizard chess with them as 'she would never learn the game'. She hadn't intended to tell the bird to attack him, she was just trying to feed it some bird food as she said in rage about how much she would "love to wipe that smirk off his face!"

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