Chapter 22

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With Gabriel back to normal and free from the spell, Lavana took him to their old meeting place in the Potions room the next evening to surprise Lewis and Jaxson.

Gabriel had spent the day to himself to make it seem that he was still somewhat under the spell even though he had spent the past two weeks away from Jessica. During the detention, he had filled Lavana in on what it had been like and had told her that ever since the Christmas holidays, when he received her letter, he had felt so distant towards Jess but couldn't understand why. He kept trying to be with her but anytime he was, he would feel confused and get irritated with her so he'd have time to himself to fix it but no matter what he did, he just couldn't get the letter and the thought of Lavana out of his head.

Gabriel waited outside as Lavana walked through the door of the Potion's classroom and was greeted by Jaxson and Lewis who were sat at a table, with Jaxson busy writing in his notebook. Lavana had been itching to tell the boys about Gabe but had to wait until they knew they were alone in case Jessica was informed. Jaxson and Lewis had both been confused by Lavana's sudden positivity and happiness but she insisted that she just felt hopeful.

"Lav, where have you been? We literally just had the best idea for a prank." Lewis said, waving her over to them. 

"How many people do you need?" She asked.

"Well I don't know. I didn't really think about that." He said frowning and snatching the notebook off Jaxson to read the plan. "Well I said I'd be in the Great Hall. Jax, you said you would be-"

"In the West wing."

"Yeah and then Lav, we were thinking the fifth floor for you."

"What about the courtyard?" She asked. Lewis and Jaxson huddled over the notebook, eyebrows furrowed.

"Oh. It's not going to work. Why did we forget the courtyard? We need another friend. Why don't we have anymore friends?" Lewis moaned, chucking his quill on the floor.

"Why don't you just ask Gabe?"

"What do you mean ask Gabe?" Jaxson asked, raising his eyebrows and looking at Lavana like she was stupid.

"Oh Lav, you need some more sleep. Have a break from those detentions, I think they're starting to get to your head." Lewis told her picking up his quill and sitting himself back down on his stool.

"I don't know though. We haven't asked him. He might want to."

"No Lav. He's too confused and not quite right in the head with that spell. We can't do that."

"Rude!" Gabriel said as he walked through the door and stood by Lavana's side. Jaxson stared in disbelief as Lewis jumped and almost fell off his seat. "I can't believe you think I'm not right in the head."

"What are you doing here?" Jaxson asked suspiciously as if Gabriel had just interrupted them doing something they shouldn't be doing. 

"Well I figured it was finally time to be done with love spells and join my best friends in causing carnage just like we used to." He smiled at them. "That is if you still want me back?"

Jaxson and Lewis looked at each other then to Lavana who gave them a nod. 

"So the spell has been broken? You're really back?" Lewis asked, starting to smile.

"Yep, back in the real world. I can't believe you guys didn't include me in the swamp prank by Herbology. Although, I can understand why." He forced a laugh. "I'm so sorry you guys. I remember everything and just looking back, I completely ignored you most of the time."

"Yeah, I won't lie to you Mate, you were a bit of a-" 

"-Prat! Yeah Jax, I really was."

"No offence!" Jaxson added quickly.

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