Chapter 19

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Lavana sat at the kitchen table with her Dad who was reading a muggle newspaper. It was 9:15AM but Lavana was still feeling sleepy. The journey back to her family had been very long. Not only did she have to travel by train but once she reached Platform 9 and 3/4, she then had to travel to America and with the chance of Alistair on her tail, it had to be done carefully.

Her family had arranged with Harry to have a portkey made which was an object that had been enchanted to instantly take anyone touching it to a specific location. In this case, it was a can that had been hidden behind a bin outside of the station. It was well hidden that Lavana didn't even notice it until Harry had said. Lavana had been worried about touching it. What if someone had tampered it while Harry had been at the station but he assured her that Aurors had been watching it while he was gone and sure enough out came the wizards from a variety of hiding places including Teddy who decided to use this moment to make her jump.

After the Aurors had all said that it was safe, they waited just 1 more minute. When the clock on the train station building was about to hit 9PM, the can started to glow meaning it was time to leave. Teddy and Lavana put one finger on to the can and vanished from where they had once stood.

When Lavana opened her eyes, taking a moment for the dizziness to stop, she looked around. There were lots of trees and plants surrounding them from behind but the rest of the view was blocked off by ten people who were staring at them. The sky was bright with the sun shining and it was a lot warmer than it had been by the train station. Definitely in America then, Lavana thought.

She was exhausted but there was still more to her journey. They were told that they were in a Botanical Gardens which was quite quiet and discreet. The people were Aurors from the American Ministry and they told her that they had closed the gardens for the safety of her arrival to which she was about to reply with 'All for me?' but considering her Grandfather had spent most of his power reign in America and her family was incredibly lucky that they were even helping them let alone allowing them to live here, she decided to stop herself.

When the Aurors were sure that the coast was clear, they allowed Teddy to disaparate with Lavana to the outskirts of her family's house where her Mother greeted her with open arms and took them both through the safety barriers that surrounded the house. After greeting the rest of her family and sitting down at the kitchen table, she looked at the clock which read: 1:10PM. It was strange to think that about half an hour ago, she had just got off the Hogwarts Express and stepped outside where it was dark compared to the bright sun that shone through the windows. Lavana was exhausted but decided to hold off sleeping, for as long as she could.

The next day, she woke early although it wasn't surprising as she had fallen asleep around 8PM. It was alright though. She preferred to wake up early and at least this way, she would have plenty of time to look at the book. She had made the decision to not tell her family but a few days later she had no choice.

"LAVANA! WHAT ON EARTH IS THIS?" Her Mum shouted to her from another room before storming into the living room, holding the red journal in her hand as though she was about to throw it.

"Why were you in my room?" Lavana replied back calmly.

"I was getting your washing off your floor. Now tell me why you have this?" Alara ordered. She explained to her Mum that the book was the key to getting her time travel power. Her Mum knew about the one time she had done it but knew that it hadn't happened since. Like everyone else, she had assumed it was a one time thing.

"Look I know you think it's not a good idea but if I can find out where he is, then I can tell the Ministry who can then throw him behind bars." She didn't tell her Mum about her also being there to catch him. She needed her Mum to let her keep the book, not burn it. "You and Dad can be free to go out whenever you want. You won't have to hide. He will be out of our lives."

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