Chapter 27

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He was late- as usual. Everyone had always told him that that was the one flaw about him. In other words, they would say he was perfect. He hated that. In no way was he perfect. He couldn't even limit his flaws to his ten fingers so no he wasn't perfect.

Today he had overslept just by ten minutes but that gave him less time to actually get ready so by the time he left it was 6:27AM and he had to be at work in the next 3 minutes.

Travelling to work was fine; he could just apparate into the atrium at the Ministry of Magic but once there, he would have to travel further underground to reach his department. 

Once he had apparated, he felt himself land in the fireplace of the very busy atrium and looked around to see many witches and wizards landing and disappearing in other fireplaces. This was the standard way to get to work. The boy then started to make his way into the large crowd of people walking down the atrium hall towards the lifts.

Despite everyone trying to reach their department, they did not walk as fast as the boy would've liked. He walked past the fountain where the group of golden statues stood tall surrounded by a pool of silver and bronze coins. As he admired the witch and wizard that were joined by a centaur, a goblin and a house elf, he reached into his pocket and dropped a silver sickle into the pool as he did everyday. The money would go to St Mungo's Hospital For Magical Maladies And Injuries and he could think of no better cause for it to go to.

Finally, he had made it to the lifts and joined a group of witches and wizards that had squeezed together. He heard the gold grilles close and a woman's voice calling out saying what floors they were at. 

When he had reached the second floor of the Department Of Magical Law Enforcement, the boy pushed past the other people and stepped out onto his floor. He hadn't even made it past the first door along the corridor when he felt a hand grab onto of his shoulder.

"There you are! You're late again."

The boy looked around to see Harry Potter glaring at him, his face was stern and filled with concern. 

"I'm so sorry. I think I overslept a little. I came as quickly as I could."

"Yes well, you're lucky I was here to cover for you, Teddy. Kelric wants a word with you."

"Oh that doesn't sound good." Teddy looked up at his Godfather, the one who had got him into his training to be an Auror and here he was, late to work again. And now the Head of the Auror Office wanted to see him. He was screwed. 

"Actually. It's an opportunity for you, Teds" Harry told him, smiling but then his face went back to looking concerned. "But act dumb. You don't know anything about it."

Before Teddy could ask Harry what he meant by that, a gruff voice called out to him.

"Edward Lupin!"

"Teddy." He said under his breath, annoyed. "It's Teddy." 

Harry laughed at him as Teddy made his way down to the second door along the corridor where a large, muscled man stood. He was quite tall and his face was serious. He had a small prickly beard that covered the lower part of his face. His brown hair was a shaggy mess but not like the untidy but pleasant look that Teddy had. On his face, he had a long scar that started at his forehead and ran down past his eye and to the top of his lip. No one actually knew how he had come to get this scar, just that it was on a mission but it made him even more fearsome. Overall, he was terrifying and fierce looking; you just knew that he wasn't someone to cross. 

Kelric pointed to the chair opposite his desk, indicating for Teddy to sit down. Teddy had never felt so nervous as he stared into his boss's deep, bulging green eyes but he quietly joined him at the desk, however as he went to sit down, he knocked off a small spherical ornament from the desk. 

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