Chapter 21

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"So their Dad just... died?" 

It was midday and Lavana was sat with Lewis and Jaxson in the Great Hall trying to explain to the boys what had happened the day before.

"He didn't just die, Lewis. It's practically murder, to drown someone." Jaxson exclaimed in disbelief at his friends lack of sympathy.

"Yeah but by a siren. It is in it's nature and he technically had it coming to him the day he met her."

"Wow Lewis. You're so kind." Jaxson scolded.

"What? I never said that it wasn't horrible, just that it was always going to happen. I mean from the things we read about, it sounded like there was nothing that could be done. I just really feel for Julie and Daya. I know what it's like to not have parents."

"I don't think their Dad was a deranged lunatic who, with his wife, would go out hunting for muggle borns and doing satanic rituals." Jessica had clearly been listening to their whole conversation and was now standing next to their table with her two friends Sofia and Rayna both snickering at her comment. The question was, how much had they heard? It didn't really matter. News spread very quickly around the school and Lavana had been on the end of it too many times to count.

Lavana looked over to Lewis who's face had gone as red as a tomato and he bowed his head in shame. It was common for someone to bring up one of their relatives mistakes but it was usually Gabriel who was first to defend himself or his friends especially when Lewis's past was brought up. It only made Lavana wonder whether he would do it now. To Jess. Unfortunately he was nowhere to be seen. Maybe start there, Lavana thought.

"Where's your toyboy, Jess?" Jess shrugged, not seeming to care too much. Maybe she had lost interest. "Well I really don't think he would appreciate you saying things about Lewis. Or have you forgotten about our fourth year, when that sixth year boy decided to come for Lewis for something his parents did. Tell me, do you remember what Gabe did?" Lavana smiled at Jessica, waiting patiently for her answer but Jessica remained silent, pouting.

"You mean when he came at the boy and then pushed him into the Devil's Snare Plant and refused to help him until the boy apologised to Lewis and did his homework for a month." If looks could kill, and Lavana was always surprised that Jess's stares never did, then Rayna would've disintegrated on the spot.

Jessica scowled at her friend, who cowered and stared down at the floor in embarrassment. "Those poor girls were wasted on you, Lavana. Right now, they're probably regretting the day they met you and every day after that they spent in your shadow." Jessica replied, an evil smile appearing.

"Is that how you used to feel, Jess? Stuck in Lav's shadow." Jaxson asked her raising his eyebrows.

"Maybe once. But I will never that happen again. She lost that a long time ago. And now that she has lost the only two people who would do anything for her, she will never get what she wants again. None of you will."

"And why is that?" Lewis asked, now back to his usual self-righteous self.

"I have dirt on all of you. I could ruin your lives if I wanted to." Jessica looked back at her two friends smiling, proud of this.

Lavana stared at her, rolling her eyes back. She was growing tired of this. 

"On us? Or our family? We know your dear Mother has done her research with all that free time she has, you know, being jobless and all but we know exactly what wicked things our family have done. We didn't do it, though. SO unless you're going to hit us with some crazy gossip about us, I suggest you leave us alone because I DO have gossip on you, Jess and you know exactly what I mean by that."

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