Chapter 9

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Lavana's house arrest ended up lasting a full two weeks much to her dismay and it was a lonely 2 weeks full of lots of reading, games and talking with only her family and a few other people who came to keep her company. Usually it was Teddy.

After hearing that Lavana would not be able to leave the house, Noah, Lucas and Ethan really wanted to visit to keep her company but to do that they had to convince Alara who did not give in too easily but Lavana wasn't one to give up either so she pestered her until she eventually agreed, provided that the boys were not seen near the house. They were good company and even though they couldn't leave the house, they spent their time playing muggle and wizard games. They especially enjoyed Wizard Chess and would insist on playing it all day if Lavana hadn't stopped them.

Although they tried their best to come round as often as they could, the boys did have band practice which they had missed a lot of already because of her. They also had new gigs and were about to be heading to New York so they would be gone for a while. Lavana was definitely going to miss their company. They were fun to be around and she really connected with them. Well maybe one in particular. Noah.

Ever since she first met him in that coffee shop, she felt that she didn't want to be apart from him. He wasn't like anyone she had ever met and certainly wasn't like any other boys. He was kind, he was a good listener and he was adventurous. He wanted to travel the world just like she did. He had even said that one day, they could both travel together. Did he really mean it? She didn't know. She couldn't read his thoughts like she could with Ethan and Lucas. It was strange but from previous experiences, she figured this was because she really cared for him. Was it just her though or did he feel the same way? Or were they just very good friends? But if that was the case, why did she get butterflies in her stomach every time someone said his name?

Lavana spoke to the boys often whilst they were away but she decided to take this free time to learn how to defend herself. She had spoken to Harry about having some self defence lessons and he was more than happy to help her in his spare time. Anyway, if she wasn't allowed to leave the house, she might as well spend that free time on learning to defend herself so that if she did get herself in trouble, she could fight back.

Everyone in her family were very enthusiastic about these lessons apart from her Mum who worried about her losing control as she had done on numerous occasions before.

"Lavana, you already struggle to control your powers sometimes, particularly with that temper of yours. I don't want to get lots of letters from your school about you getting into fights!"

"Mum I'm not going to beat up everyone that says a mean word to me. It will only be for when Alistair sends another one of his minions after me. Because he will!" At the mention of Alistair, Alara dropped her gaze to the floor as usual but agreed for her to learn.

As Harry had lots of experience fighting dark wizards, he was the perfect teacher for Lavana. He managed to get a permit from the Ministry so that he would be allowed to tutor her and so that she could use magic outside of school but only during those lessons. They spent the first few lessons practising basic spells and ways to block unwanted curses. Harry was pleased that she was a fast learner and already knew many of the spells.

She felt that the lessons were actually helping her to release her anger and frustration, that she finally knew when danger came her way again, she would find it a lot easier to defend herself. This definitely worried her Mum but she had to know she would be fine and not turn to the bad side, she thought. At least these lessons were taking up time and she wasn't just sitting around waiting for her next year at Hogwarts to start. That probably would've been worse!

It took 2 weeks to find a way that Lavana could leave the house without risk of her being followed. The Ministry decided to assign her an Auror to watch out for her. EVERYWHERE SHE WENT! To add to this, she would have to take a potion everyday that would mask the smell of her blood so she couldn't be tracked. She was told that she would also have to change her look but not to stand out so no more brightly coloured hair. Lavana found it ridiculous considering Alistair would not get past the borders to America but then again his followers could if they really wanted. 

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