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"I-I am... J-James."

My eyes opened to the harsh sunlight seeping in through a crack between the living room curtains. I yawn softly and stretch my aching muscles, my hands reaching up to the sky as a lazily smile stretched across my face.


His voice echoed in my mind from last night. It was deep and earthy but rough at the same time. His chest rumbled with every word that left his lips.

It wasn't until now that I realized he was gone. My once warm body now shivered at the loss contact. I sighed as I got up and brushed the dirt off my shorts. Little black hairs floated smoothly to the ground. "He's like a freaking cat?" I couldn't help the giggle that escaped my lips of the thought of James licking himself and sun bathing.

I walked to the front door and grabbed my bags. My lips parted to release a tired sigh as my clothes lay messily all over the ground from James yesterday. I quickly cleaned up the mess and took my luggage upstairs. Lifting six giant suitcases up two flights of steps wasn't easy but I slowly got it done, "Geez!" I huffed loudly as I wiped the sweat from my forehead as I carried the last suitcase up the stairs.

After an hour of unpacking I noticed the underwear James had was gone. I sighed loudly and put my hands on my hips as I scowled, "Pervert." I grabbed my sketchbook and pencils from the bottom of my suitcase before making my way back downstairs. My feet padded lightly to the living room where two giant windows stood proudly. The scene outside was breathtaking.

Tall thick trees extended their branches to the sky as their bright green leaves touched the clouds. Tweeting birds sung among their branches as they snuggles in their little nests. The soft soil above the twisted roots were covered with a light fog as groundhogs and foxes ran around in search of safety and food. I giggled as the fox chased a butterfly playfully, "So cute!" My fingers quickly got to work as I drew the scene in front of me.

After a few minutes the fox disappeared but I got what I needed as I stared down at the cartoon fox and butterfly, my little comic consisted of them chasing and running through the trees, "I love my job." I sighed softly and relaxed into the couch, watching the animals go about their day hunting and playing.

Suddenly heavy footsteps sound from the corner of the window. A gasp leaves my lips as a seven foot tall moose slowly makes the way to the clearing. It's giant head dips low to nibble on the over grown grass. My fingers work quickly to catch the mage stud beast at peace.
A loud roar interrupts my silence making me drop my pencil, "What the f-" A black mass blurs past the window and attacks a moose standing by the house. I gasp and cover my mouth as it quickly shreds it apart. It wasn't until the moose wailed one last time and fell to the ground did the blur stand still.


He hungrily ate the moose. His clawed hands ripping out chunks of flesh to greedily shove in his mouth. I almost gag as he takes the heart and slowly lowers it into his mouth, it wasn't until I looked at his eyes that I noticed him watching me. I quickly closed the curtains and ran into my room.

I locked the door behind me and panted out of breath, "Oh my freaking gosh." Tears stung my eyes as I listened to my surroundings.


I slowly unlocked the door.

My head peeked around the heavy wood and landed on the black mass down the hall. It stared at me before taking a step.

10 feet away.

5 feet away.

3 feet away.

I scream and slam the door shut but it's no use as he pushes it open with ease. I use all my might to hold it closed but he only rests a single hand against it and pushes it open. I look up at him with wide eyes and gasp as our eyes connect. Amusement danced proudly in his glowing white orbs and I screamed again as I ran towards the bathroom, "Oh crap! Oh crap!" I cursed loudly as his giant hands wrapped around my waist again and pulled me into him before I could even reach the door.

"James you let me go right no-" I squeal as my feet leave the ground and he holds me up and out, my legs dangle helplessly as he holds me up by my armpits. I squirm and kick in his grip but he only silently holds me out.

My body tires out and I hang loosely, trying to get my energy back. His shoulders move up and down as his mouth turns to a smile. It takes me a moment to realize that's he's laughing.


"James this is not funny!" I scolded as I wagged a finger at him, "You scared me so badly and now your treating me like a stuffed animal!" I throw my arms up in the air and motion to my dangling body. He only continues to silently laugh as he wiggles my limp body back and forth. The shaking makes me dizzy and i groan out, my hand grips his forearm and he suddenly stops.

"James.. put me down." I whimper as my other hand holds my head and he looks at me curiously, bringing my face closer to his as he sniffs me deeply.

I blush as he slowly lowers me but his nose is relentless as he buries his head in my neck to keep sniffing, "J-James?" I watch the giant creature wrap its arms tightly around my waist as he sniffs deeper, his nose rubs against my collar bone and I shiver lightly, "D-Don't go lower James." I whine and try to push against his shoulders but he growls loudly, his eyes meet mine as he gives me a warning look, I freeze as a his claws lightly dig into my back.

His sniffing continues down as his face meets my chest. He curiously removes one hand and pokes it, he jumps as it bounces back and his eyes shine brighter, amusement coursing through him as he does it again, making my left boob bounce more as he pokes it harder.

I hiss at his sharp claw and he freezes. "That hurts James." I whimper softly and he only stares up at me for a second before before retracting it and leaving a normal finger, "Your just full of surprises." I giggle and he nods his head before going back to poking my boob.

"So he understands English?! This whole time?!" I watch him entertain himself with my boob as I examine his body.

His frame was muscular and strong as he leaned over to play with me. His face was closer and I could only make out his eyes from their bright shine as all his other features were too black to see. I raise an eyebrow as my eyes travel lower and I pout as all his features we too dark to make out.

Movement behind him catches my attention and I gasp as I see his tail flicking excitedly behind him as he played with both of my boobs at the moment. His fingers poking excitedly, distracting him and grabbing all his attention.

"Males." I roll my eyes and take a step back but freeze as he purrs loudly, his face buries itself into my chest as his grip on my waist tightens. He nuzzles between my breasts and I laugh loudly, his hair tickling my neck.

I notice his long pointy ears and I reach out to touch them. He gasps softly and freezes before leaning into my touch. His purring started off soft before getting louder, growing so powerful that it vibrates my chest. I giggle and continue to pet his head and ears as his grip on me relaxes until he's just leaning in my breast with his arms limp at his sides.

"Your weird James." I tease softly and ruffle his air one last time before stepping away. He stays frozen and sways slightly, drunkenly. I giggle and gently poke his cheek, "James? Are you okay?" I lean in closer and see his eyes half lidded as he stares off lazily. His breathing heavily as soft purrs escaped his lips.

"What's wrong?" I grab his hand and examine him quietly. I slowly walk around his body and giggle as his long sleek tail wraps around my ankle, "So soft." I kneel next to him and trace my hands down his back slowly but stop as I feel two jagged lines race down his back, each below his shoulders to his mid back.

"What the-" I add pressure and giant black wings knock me onto my back, I gasp as they glitter and spread out wide, each easily twelve feet across.

"James what the freak are you?!"

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