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"One more week baby." James' voice echoed in my head as I tried to distract myself with work. Papers lay scattered across the wooden floorboards of the living room as my pencil scratched against another blank sheet. Hours I spent on the floor drawing illustrations for work to the point where my knees are red and sore from kneeling. "Such a good girl.." My cheeks heat as James' voice echoes in my head once again, "I-I'm addicted to that demon of a man.. or man of a demon? Demon man? Yeah." I huff to myself as I think of the big brute. It wasn't until recently that a I realized how attached to each other that we truly are. Every waking moment we spent in each other's presence whether it be working in the lab or cooking chicken or watching him kill people in video games. We were never more than three feet apart.

"You have a freaking obsession with him.." I groan as I grab a pillow off the couch and shove my face in it, "It's only been a week and your a mess, Olivia." I hug the pillow tighter, my eyes landing on the pictures of him that I drew. The cloth of the pillow tickled my nose as I took a deep sniff, I stole it from his side of the bed the night he left and I'm not ashamed to say I've brought it everywhere I went. It's the only thing that calms me besides his scarce visits in the night which have lessened due to his strong scent and my safety. "Stupid government. Stupid Claire. Stupid Ja-" the doorbell rings loudly and I swiftly get up from my position.

"Coming!" I call out towards the door as I brush off my night gown and rush to the door. Dark green eyes meet mine as I swing open the door, "Hello. C-Can I help you?" He flashes a warm smile as he welcomes himself into my home, "You can, actually." I frown at his boldness and follow him as he walks into the living room, "What a messy girl you are." He teases as he takes a seat next to James's pillow. I grab it and hug it into my chest, warily watching him, "I-I was working and c-can you please leave?.." I frown deeply as he ignores me and starts looking through the papers, "A fairy?" He questions and I nod, "I-I'm illustrating a children's book." He looks at it for a minute, "Looks like a tinker bell.. not what I think they look like." He sighs and I furrow my brows, "W-What do you suppose they look like?" I lean away from him as I hug the pillow closer. He smiles darkly at me, "Blood thirsty little gremlins who attack children in the night and steal their dreams to fuel their hatred for mankind." I gasp softly and point to the door, "Out!" He chuckles as he lazily stands once again, "Nice meeting you, little one." He eyes the pillow warily before walking out the door, slamming it shut behind him.

I stand in silence for a moment before rushing into my bedroom and grabbing my phone. My thumbs fly across the screen as I click my emergency contact, "Hello?" James's voice was relaxing for a moment, "H-He came and I think I tricked him but I'm not sure becausehescaredmeandsortabulliedmeandimreallyscaredhemightcomeback." My breathing was hard as we both sat in silence for a minute. "I'm on my way. Close the windows and put the house on lock down." I don't hesitate to run to the front door to lock it up, "O-Okay. Please hurry." My voice cracks at the end as I listen to his side. Violent shuffling is all I hear before the phone cuts. My heart drops but I don't stop my mission.

The fireplace is my only source of light as I sit in the living room floor. The curtains block out light from the locked windows as the front door is blocked by a chair on the handle. "Deep breaths." I try to calm myself quietly as I wait for James. It's been ten minutes at most but each second passes slower than the one before it. "He'll be here. It's okay." I soothe myself as I listen silently, My drawing of James clutched tightly in my hands.

The door handle jiggles loudly behind me. My hand flies up to cover my mouth as a scream sits in my throat."Oh lord please.." I pray silently as I stand up from my spot and grab the metal fire poke next to me. I hold it tightly as I wait in silence. "Olivia. Open the fucking door." James's voice is muffled from the other side. I sigh in relief and move towards the door but my phone vibrates, I pick it up and see a text from James, "Be there in a few mins. Hide in the bathroom." I freeze up as I watch the door push against its hinges. "It's me! Just open the door!" James voice gets angry as the door handle rattles violently.

I grab my phone and the fire poke before running silently to the bathroom. I lock my bedroom door before sliding into the bathroom and locking the door too. I whip out my phone and put it on silent before clicking James's contact and calling him. "What's wrong?" His voice was strained and muffled as all I heard was rushing air. "h-he's here and he looks like you a-and he's trying to break in." I whisper into the phone and freeze as everything on the other side goes silently. "J-James?.. I'm scared.." I sob quietly into the phone, "I-I know you told me to be m-mean but I don't thi-" he cuts me off with a growl, "It's not your fault." His voice was low but hard, "I'm outside the house and I see him." He spoke slowly as I nodded my head, "Please hurry Daddy..." my voice cracks as I hug the fire poke tighter. "I'm coming to get you, baby." The phone call ends and I freeze up as I watch the door.

I jump as a loud crash is heard before violent snarls and hisses fill the air. I cover my ears as I watch the door with wide eyes. A loud banshee shriek makes me jump as I sob quietly. Time seems to slow down as shuffling and growling is all that's left before silence fills the air once again. The door handle rattles slowly, "Babygirl?" James voice was strained as the door pushed against its holdings. "It's me. I promise." He shakes the door again and I cover my mouth to muffle my sobs. "It's Daddy. I promise." I shake my head as I scoot back against the tub, trying to get even further away from the door. "Remember when we were on the phone and I said I'm coming to get you?" I stand up slowly and drag myself to the door, standing silently. "I know you're scared but I need my big girl from before, okay? Where's my big girl who's gonna beat up Claire and rip my balls off?" I can't help the giggle that escapes my mouth before I slap my hand over my mouth. He chuckles on the other side, "Now open the door so Daddy can make sure your okay." I grab the fire poke before unlocking the door slowly. He opens the door up and rushes to me. I scream and throw the metal rod straight at his chest but he narrowly dodges it, "Shit Olivia!" He curses loudly as he whips his head back to me as I sheepishly stand in the doorway, looking down at my hands as I play with the ends of my big shirt.

"C'mere.." he pulls me tight into his body and I more than gratefully wrap my arms around him, squishing myself as tightly as I can against his body. "I missed you.." his voice was softly as he ran his fingers through my hair. I can't help myself as I burst out crying in his arms, "I-I thought h-he hurt you a-and was g-gonna get m-me too!" I sob loudly into his chest as he rubs circles on my back, "You were worried for me?" He asks and I nod my head. We stand in silence for a minute. His hand rubbing soothing circles on my back as he calmed me quietly with kisses and soothing words.

"Shh my little rose." He coos softly and places a kiss on my head before lifting me up into his strong arms, "So delicate and soft." He places me gently on the sink before resting his hands on either side of my thighs. "Daddy got rid of the bad man?" I sniffle as I look up at him. He nods his head slowly, "He's never coming back, babygirl." I can't help the smile that spread across my face, "What happened to him?"I wrap my arms around his torso as I rest my chin on his chest, "Nothing you need to worry about, Princess." I pout but let it go either way, "Okay Daddy." I kiss his nose and let him back away from my grip to look my body up and down, "Did he hurt you?" His hands slowly rub my thighs as I shake my head, "No. I locked everything like you said a-and hid." He nodded slowly as he sighed. "We need to get out of here." He scoops me back up and presses my face into his neck, I burst into giggles as we walk out my room, "I-I can't see!" I peek an eye out and watch him for a second before his big hand pushes my face back into his neck. "I know baby. I have a surprise for you." His voice was strained but I ignore it as I nod my head and keep face hidden in his neck.

Cool air hit my legs as I felt him walk out the house. "Where are we going?" I peek my head out and he gently spanks my butt, "It's a surprise, babygirl." He scolds gently and I pout but stay quiet as he puts me in the car and buckles me in. He gets in the driver's seat and starts the car. It didn't hit me until we backed out the driveway to look at the house. I gasp softly as the door is busted down and a trail of blood leads down the front step and into the forest.

"He's not coming back."

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